Wednesday, 24 June 2015

coriander benefits for health

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We already no stranger to hear the word coriander. Plant herbs that have a Latin name Coriandrum sativum has a small fruit. After drying, the fruit becomes merchandise. Coriander is used as a drug known as Fructus coriandri.
The use of coriander can be done in various ways, such as finely ground and boiled, either for treatment outside, and inside. Benefits of coriander is taken from the leaves, seeds, and fruit.

Lower cholesterol

Coriander contains a number of acidic compounds, namely linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and ascorbic acid. The compounds were known to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and may be able to reduce cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins.

overcome anemia

The content of iron in the coriander can help overcome anemia

Helps the digestive system

The content of essential oil of coriander can help the process of secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, stimulates digestion by increasing the peristaltic movements in the digestive tract, and to overcome anorexia.

overcome swelling

Cineole, one of the 11 components of the essential oil and linoleic acid found in coriander, has antirheumatic properties and anti-artriti. Thus, coriander can be used to treat swelling caused by rheumatism and arthritis.

overcome diarrhea

Components borneol and linalool in coriander helps digestion, improve liver function, and help the process of binding the mass of feces in the intestine. Other components such as cineol, limonene, alpha-pinene and beta-phelandrene have antibacterial activity so efficacious in treating diarrhea caused by bacteria.

Keep your menstrual cycle

Coriander can naturally stimulate and help regularity hormone secretion from endocrine glands, making it useful in keeping the menstrual regularity and reduce the pain that may arise.

Reduce blood sugar levels

Cumin stimulatory effect on the endocrine glands will increase the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Thus, the modified sugar glycogen, so that high blood sugar levels can go down to normal levels.

Protect your heart

Coriander can be overcome inflammation, seizures, expectorant, protect the liver, anti-carcinogenic, anti-anticonvulsants, antihistamines, and hypnotics. In addition, coriander can also act as a natural aphrodisiac when combined with other herbs.


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Lemongrass Many Benefits for Health

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The use of lemongrass or Lemongrass scent is usually for food and as a flavoring. The question, if only the benefit of this Lemongrass?

Lemongrass or the Latin language called Andropogon nardus this turned out to save a lot of benefits for human health.

In some studies, lemongrass leaves it contains an anti-microbial and anti-bacterial are particularly useful for treating infections of the stomach, intestines, bladder, and heal wounds. Not only that, Lemongrass is also widely used for relief of spasms, anti-rheumatic, and is a diuretic.

In addition, the content of analgesics in Lemongrass also can play a role to help relieve the pain of headaches, muscle aches and joint pain. Later, Lemongrass also many believed to cure various diseases such as skin infections, typhoid, food poisoning, and also relieve body odor.

In Lemongrass, there are many compounds such as butyrate geranil, lomonen, eugenol, metileugenol, geranial that are beneficial to health. For more details, related to the function Serai very nutritious for health.

1. lemongrass prevent cancer
There is research that explains that every 100 grams of lemongrass contains antioxidants that we know is useful to prevent the occurrence of cancer. Then, the research conducted by a team from Gurion University in Israel have found that there are compounds in lemongrass can kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

2. Treat indigestion
Lemongrass is very useful to overcome indigestion, abdominal pain, colds, reduces intestinal gas, and diarrhea.

3. Lowering blood pressure
Lemongrass is also widely used to reduce blood pressure and stimulates blood circulation. By consuming a drink containing lemongrass every day it will be very helpful in reducing hypertension.

4. Detoxification
Lemongrass is also very good to detoxify the body by increasing the amount of urination. It is certainly very useful to make the entire digestive organs such as the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and also clean and healthy due to a variety of toxins will be eliminated.

5. Benefits of the nervous system
Lemongrass essential oil containing also be useful to strengthen and improve the functioning of the nervous system. This was due to the lemongrass oil will give effect warms, relaxes muscles, and relieve spasms.

6. Serves as an analgesic
Lemongrass also can relieve all kinds of inflammation and irritability that you are suffering associated with aches and pains such as joint pain, muscle pain, tooth pain, and others.

7. Beautify Skin
The use of lemongrass leaves also have occurred in the field of cosmetics that are used to beautify the skin. The effects of the use of cosmetics containing lemongrass leaves are able to eliminate acne and also serves as a refresher.

8. Women's health
Lemongrass is also usually used by women to relieve pain when the onset of menstruation and relieve nausea.

9. Anemia
Iron contained in the leaves of lemongrass essential untu ksintesis hemoglobin (a protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body). lemongrass can help to various types of anemia, primarily resulting from a lack of iron.

10. As oil warmers

Lemongrass contains essential oils that can help in making balsamic action which can be used in problems in the respiratory tract. In general, lemongrass leaves can be used to relieve symptoms associated with flu and fever cold as well as the benefits of ginger to warm the body.

11. Reduce cholesterol

Lemongrass leaf has anti-cholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis, both of which help reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the gut, as well as the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood, thus preventing one of the initial process in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

12. Rheumatism

Lemongrass effectively used to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by arthritis. Lemongrass can be applied to the waist and the affected part due to rheumatism or sprains

Monday, 22 June 2015

Boesenbergia rotunda For Health Benefits

Boesenbergia rotunda image by google

Boesenbergia rotunda is one of the plants that fall into the category of spices. Plants are still relative to the Zingiberaceae in general also has a property that is not less powerful than the other Zingiberaceae.

Boesenbergia rotunda is a type of herb, this is certainly due to the properties and chemical content contained in these plants is believed to be capable of treating different types of diseases that are suffered, in chemistry Boesenbergia rotunda contained volatile oil content as cineol, camphor, d-borneol, d-pinene seskuiterpene, zingiberen, curcumin, zedoarin and starch.

Here Boesenbergia rotunda For Health Benefits:

1. Drug colds,
15 grams Boesenbergia rotunda, 1 teaspoon of Foeniculum vulgare, and two fingers Alyxia stellata, pulverized and then rubbed on the abdomen, do 1 to 2 times a day. Overcome flatulence, 5 grams Boesenbergia rotunda, leaves Boesenbergia rotunda, until finely ground and then placed on the abdomen as a poultice.

2. It is difficult urination,
Boesenbergia rotunda, Foeniculum vulgare, and Alyxia stellate pulverized and then used as a poultice or thick powder attached to the abdomen. Overcoming itching, Boesenbergia rotunda 10 grams, 5 grams of Curcuma xanthorrhiza, 15 grams of turmeric, and 15 grams of crushed dried leaves of Senna alata and then smeared on the sick body.

3. As a remedy vaginal discharge,
10 grams Boesenbergia rotunda, 5 grams of turmeric, Curcuma xanthorrhiza 5 grams, and 15 grams of Andrographis paniculata, boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc. Then filtered and drunk as much as 200 cc, done twice a day.

4. Drug heat in,
10 grams Boesenbergia rotunda were cut, 25 grams of fresh leaves of Orthosiphon aristatus, and 20 grams of fresh leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata, boiled with water until the remaining 800 cc to 400 cc. Potion filtered and drunk as much as 200 cc, do twice a day. Overcoming tuberculosis, 15 grams Boesenbergia rotunda and 4 grams of Areca catechu seeds crushed and then added 200 cc boiled water, then filtered and drunk.

5. Stamina Enhancer
Combine four Boesenbergia rotunda rhizomes size of a finger with 500 grams of Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Once crushed, mixed with water, then squeeze. In order not too bland, the juice can add a little honey, drink a glass a day.

6. Incentives ASI
Take 20 grams of Boesenbergia rotunda (approximately 6 rhizome), cut into small pieces, boiled with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. Add salt to taste. After chilling filtered and drunk.

7. Clean series after childbirth
The trick, mix 4 rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza size of a finger with 50 g of Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Then ground and mixed with water to take the juice. In order not be too bland can add a little honey, and then drink a glass every day.

Consumption of herbal medicine is recommended Boesenbergia rotunda first week postpartum. Benefits Boesenbergia rotunda can restore the body's stamina and fitness, such as starch, saponins and flavonoids.

8. Antimicrobials
To prove the health benefits, Boesenbergia rotunda has drawn attention to the academic circles in the country to do more research. Among the extracts tested against key meeting as an antimicrobial.


Thursday, 18 June 2015

Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) For Health Benefits

Curcuma xanthorrhiza image by google image

Health benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza to the body, the liver, heart and kidneys did not doubt, has been since the days of the ancestors of ginger is widely used as a herbal medicine. Curcuma long as it's been known as a medicinal herb native to Indonesia is very good for health.

The part that is widely used is also often called the root or rhizome. These roots are processed into herbal medicine, way of processing is also different. Here are some benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza plants are good for health and it is important for you to know:

1. Maintain a healthy heart

Benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza is very good for heart health, where liver function can be maintained his health by consuming Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Curcuma xanthorrhiza is excellent for keeping or maintaining liver health, because Curcuma xanthorrhiza contains katagoga. Katagoga is what helps the liver to produce bile and also give incentives to vacate the bile.

2. Reduce arthritis

Wild Curcuma xanthorrhiza also contains curcumin which is good for your health, particularly for reducing arthritis.

3. Lowering blood fats

Health benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza for the next body that Curcuma xanthorrhiza can reduce blood fat.Curcuma xanthorrhiza extract and also produces kurkuminoid fraction, is beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels.

4. Overcoming ulcer disease

To overcome ulcer disease, prepare Curcuma xanthorrhiza 1 rhizome. Rinse and remove the skin, sliced into thin then boiled with water as much as 5 cups. After boiling, let stand until cool and then drink the water regularly.

5. Digestion

If you have digestive problems such as bloating or colds you can easily solve by using Curcuma xanthorrhiza. The way is easy, that is by consuming Curcuma xanthorrhiza every day routine.

6. Healthy heart

Curcuma xanthorrhiza or also called Curcuma also has benefits for cardiovascular health. Curcuma xanthorrhiza benefits for heart health is certainly not in doubt. Wild Curcuma xanthorrhiza does have a good content for your body's health, not least to maintain the health of your heart.

7. Coping with cancer

Curcuma xanthorrhiza are believed to inhibit the development or growth of prostate cancer, where the way it works is by stopping the blood that supports the growth of cancer.

8. Overcoming kidney disorders

Benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza for kidney health is also no doubt, by consuming Curcuma xanthorrhiza regularly it happens renal impairment may be overcome with good. The trick is to prepare as much as 2 turmeric rhizome, leaves orthosiphon aristatus 1 handheld, 1 handful of leaves Phyllanthus urinary and rock sugar.

Rinse all the ingredients except the sugar cubes, thinly sliced Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Mix all the ingredients and then boiled with water approximately 1000ml. After boiling wait until the water is left only in half, remove and strain the water. Use water to drink regularly every day.


Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb benefits for health

Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb/ google image

Plants that have a scientific name Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb still in the plant family Poaceae. Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb usually mostly found growing wild in the teak forests, meadows, fields, or on the land of tropical highlands at an altitude of 400-750 meters DPL. Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb reproduce by means of sprouted through an old rhizome.

Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb can be used to cure skin diseases, rashes or old wounds. Efficacy of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb other is to help increase appetite. How to take advantage of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb for treatment: grated rhizome of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb, add a little boiled water and then wring it out and drink the water.

Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb can also be boiled with water, then boiled water before drinking to help treat heartburn in the stomach, to peluruh colds, and can be used as a blood purifier medicine after childbirth.
