Sunday 26 April 2015

natural cure for migraines

One of disease on the head is headaches or migraine. And all this time, to treat migraines generally used drugs that are synthesized and based chemicals.

In fact to note is based on research published in the New England Journal of Medicine says that drugs commonly used to treat migraine, in certain cases it can cause serotonin syndrome.

In a study conducted by researchers from Georgetown University and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the 11 cases of serotonin syndrome associated with the use of triptans. Triptnas itself is one of a class of drugs commonly used for the treatment of migraine. On the other publications, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) American states that serotonin syndrome may occur when a nerve conductor (neurotransmitter) serotonin excess, such as caused by the use of drugs that affect serotonin levels.

Ginger is an excellent natural remedy used to assist in the prevention and treatment of migraine.

How to make ginger herbal ingredients to treat migraines naturally:

● First way:
- Prepare the dried rhizome powder.
- For adults and children over six years, used ginger powder weighing 0.5 g for a drink.
- Brewed with hot water
- In warm circumstances taken 2-4 times a day, done regularly

● Method two:
- Prepare a thumb-sized piece of ginger
- Fuel, until fragrant smell (slightly charred)
- Scrape and wash skin
- Then mashed or crushed.
  - Brewed with a glass of hot water with a little palm sugar added - once in the circumstances Drink warm, 3 times a day.



  1. These tips are unique. I had no idea that ginger can help to treat migraine naturally. Thank you for sharing this method. Keep posting more similar articles.
