Thursday 7 May 2015

Black Cumin benefits for health and medicine

Black cumin seed is one of the herbs that have powerful natural healing properties. As the name suggests, black cumin and thin shaped like a crescent. At first herb black cumin comes from Egypt, countries in the Middle East, and are also widely used by the people of India. Black cumin is generally used as a seasoning for various types of cuisine in different parts of the world. It has a slightly bitter taste, which is suitable to replace pepper.

The following properties of black cumin benefits for health and medicine

stomach upset
Healing properties of black cumin have health conditions associated with the stomach. Stomach disorders such as constipation, and flatulence can be overcome with black cumin. In addition, black cumin is also beneficial for maintaining healthy digestion, and can eradicate intestinal worms.

Source of essential nutrients

Black cumin contain beta-carotene (pro - vitamin A), calcium, iron, sodium and potassium. Black cumin also has eight of the nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are not produced by our body, so it must be obtained from outside sources. For the purposes of nutritional supplements, you can drink half a teaspoon of black seed extract or oil (black cumin) three times a day.

Boost the immune system.

Nutritious black cumin can boost immunity, especially for people who suffer from interference immunity. According to research, 1 gram capsules of black cumin is consumed twice daily for four weeks can improve the ratio of T cells, between positive and negative up to 72%. Boost immunity is important to cure the common cold, influenza, AIDS, and other diseases associated with immunity.

Cure asthma and allergies

Histamine is a compound that is released by the immune system as a result of an allergic reaction. Nigellone Crystalline compounds contained in black cumin has protein kinase C, which are substances that are known to inhibit the release of histamine. Giving black cumin can reduce allergic reactions in most patients with bronchitis, asthma and other allergic diseases with no side effects.

For the treatment of asthma and allergies, grab a cup of warm water, add one tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of oil or extract Habatussauda. Mix and drink in the morning, it could before breakfast or after dinner. During this treatment process, avoid cold foods and carry allergens.

Treating cancer

Fatty acids contained in black cumin can inhibit the development of cancer. Black cumin stimulates productivity and immunity capable bone marrow cells, and interferon production, protects normal cells, and against tumor cells without damaging healthy cells.

For cancer treatment, mix one glass of grape juice and half a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil. Drink three times a day. Treatment may be continued for forty days. In addition, you can also rub the black cumin oil on the body with cancer for two weeks.


Black cumin is also effective against bacteria that are known to be resistant to drugs, such as the bacteria that cause cholera, E. coli, and Shigella spp. Thus, black cumin can also be used to treat disorders of the digestive system caused by a bacterial infection such as abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, and vomiting.

To treat indigestion, take half a teaspoon of black cumin oil or extract is mixed with a cup of milk. Drink the mixture twice a day. Or can be mixed with one teaspoon of ground ginger, and half a teaspoon of black seed oil or extract.

Treating inflammation

Thymoquinine contained in the black cumin is anti-inflammatory medications are very effective. You can use black cumin oil for the ointment be applicable on inflamed acne. To prevent acne and smoothes the skin, take one tablespoon of olive oil mixed with half a teaspoon of black cumin oil. Rub on the face, then wash your face with soap water after one hour.

For the treatment of inflammation of the ankle and other joints, take a tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons of honey and half a teaspoon of black cumin oil. Use this mixture twice a day to massage the inflamed.

Increase the amount of milk

Black cumin can increase the amount of milk for nursing mothers, because of a combination of certain elements and structure of lipid hormones contained therein. In addition, black cumin also contains arginine, which is essential for the growth of the baby. But unfortunately, still not much is known about the safety of using black seeds while breastfeeding.

Improve intelligence and prevent Alzheimer's

Black cumin contains linoleic acid (omega 6) and linolenic acid (Omega 3), so it is a nutrient for good brain cells to improve memory, intelligence, and relativity of brain cells that do not go senile. Black cumin also improve the micro (blood circulation) to the brain, and is suitable to be given to children aged growth of the elderly.

neutralize toxins

Toxins that interfere with the body's vital organs such as the liver and lungs can result in organ performance. Saponins found in black cumin, cleanse toxins in the body. Respiratory disorders or symptoms of diarrhea caused by toxins can be reduced.

overcome diabetes
Two grams of black cumin day can reduce glucose produced by the body, decrease insulin resistance, improved beta-cell function, and reduce glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human subjects).

lowers high blood pressure

Consumption of 100-200 mg extract of black cumin seeds for twice daily for two months may lower blood pressure in patients with mild hypertension.


Black cumin seeds are traditionally known to have anticonvulsive properties. A study conducted in 2007 with the subject of children who have epilepsy, whose condition is refractory to conventional drug therapy, resulted in a very surprising discovery that the water extract of black cumin it can reduce seizure activity.

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