Monday 4 May 2015

Benefits Onion For Health

onion is a plant that became seasoning various dishes in southeast Asian countries and even the world. For Javanese people know the various Brambang. And the most widely used is a tuber, although in some culinary traditions and also use the leaves and stems, flowers as flavorings or food. These plants are mostly from Central Asian region and southeast Asia.
Benefits and health content of onions for the treatment, as follows below.

1. For the Prevention of Cancer: a rich red onion successful active compounds inhibit the development of cancer cells.

2. To Reduce Earache

A few drops of onion juice has been proven and highly beneficial for individuals who suffer from acute earache, and a ringing sound in the ears can be cured with a paste of onion juice through the cotton.
3. Treatment for anemia

by eating the onion together with jaggery and water.

4. Relieves Abdominal pain: Onions have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that provide relief for abdominal pain and gastro-related sidrom.

5. Treating Urinary Disorders: For people who suffer from a burning sensation during urination, red onions can provide considerable help. for patients with disorders of the urine should drink red onions with boiling water 6 to 7 grams of red onion.

6. For diabetes mellitus: From one of the substances contained in this onion is Tolbutomid that it can help to control blood sugar in the liver. and regulate the release of insulin also prevents any disorder that affects the production of insulin in the body.

7. instead of ammonia: aroma, smell owned the onion is stung into the nose, and stimulates blood, respiratory function, also the function of the nerves. Things like this can help in giving first aid to someone who is not self-conscious or unconscious.

8. For Hemorrhoids and worming

9. prevent blood clots: multiply the consumption of raw red onion on a regular basis.

10. as the killer bacteria.

11. dilute phlegm and helps in curing inflammation of lungs.

12. treat heart disease.

13. help increase sexual desire

14. eliminating the eyelets on foot.

15. kill germs in the mouth: Shallots can be used to prevent dental decay and infection in the mouth, trick like to chew raw onion raw, so will eliminate all the germs in the mouth.

16. treat acne on the face: Juices made from onion, honey and olive oil may help in the treatment and the treatment of acne.

17. treat the wounds caused by insect stings: not only for treating acne alone turns red onion juice can also help to reduce the pain caused by the stings of insects such as bees, Scorpions, precisely, onion that has become juice or paste may be applied to areas or in bite stung by insects, and the pain will gradually disappear.

18. Set the Sleep and Mood

Folate is found in onions, can help depression by preventing excess homocysteine from forming in the body, which can prevent blood and other nutrients to reach the brain. Homocysteine affects the production of the hormone serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulates not only the mood, but also sleep and appetite well.

19. constipation
  chew some raw onion. Do this until your complaint slowly disappear.

20. colds and also the joints are affected.

Mix onion that has been crushed along with warm coconut oil. Use oils like your normal sort. Red onion oil can also warm up your body.

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