Monday 4 May 2015

efficacy Merica

Pepper or also called pepper (Piper nigrum L) has many benefits hidden. Pepper most widely known as a spice and is most often used in cooking. But also not infrequently herbs with added spice this one. No one, because pepper is also a lot of medicinal properties. This is especially black pepper, most believed to be higher health value.
The highest nutrient content in pepper is vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. It also contains traces of B vitamins, such as niacin, pyridoxine and riboflavin, as well as some of folate and choline. Pepper also contains fiber, carbohydrates and protein, but very low in cholesterol and sugar levels.
Here are some of the properties and pepper to health benefits:

Help you lose weight

Pepper contains a chemical compound known as capsaicin, a compound that makes peppers taste like chili peppers. Capsaicin is also useful to help you lose weight. Perhaps because of this, capsaicin is also found in weight loss pills and other supplements. How capsaicin may help you lose weight? The answer is very simple. Capsaicin is capable of burning calories and fat with thermal properties. Spicy taste when eaten pepper will also be able to burn fat.

rheumatoid arthritis

Capsaicin is also efficacious as anti-inflammatory agents, which will help alleviate inflammatory conditions, such as swelling and pain in patients with arthritis.


A study conducted by British scientists at the University of Nottingham, and another study by the American Association of Cancer Research reported that capsaicin found in pepper is actually able to kill certain cancer cells, especially prostate cancer cells.


The content of capsaicin in the pepper can also serve to block neuropeptide known as substance P, which is a major source of pain nerves to the brain. So eat pepper can reduce the symptoms of pain during headache.

nasal congestion

Capsaicin can clear the sinuses, it can even help to fight infection with the sinus cavity nasal air duct cleaning. Thus pepper can also help loosen breathing when nasal congestion.

stomach ache

Pepper can not cure colic, but at least it can prevent the disease. Spicy or hot pepper can kill bad bacteria in the stomach and intestine which is the cause of abdominal pain.

High blood pressure

Chili pepper and generally contain a lot of flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin A, a substance that can also lower high blood pressure.

heart health

Too much body fluid can be bad for heart health. The amount of fluid around the heart wall will cause strain on the heart, and could potentially harmful. One sign of too much fluid is swelling in the ankle and arm. Other symptoms are difficulty breathing, as too much water can suppress lung.
Pepper will cause us to sweat, and the more we sweat in the body fluids will be reduced.


Compounds flavanoids, vitamins A and C were found in pepper is also an antioxidant substance, which is beneficial to alleviate the impact of cell damage caused by free radicals.

-Treating Impotence.
- Treating rheumatoid arthritis.
- Treating malaria.

take 1/2 teaspoon pepper / pepper and coffee, and brewed with hot water. Then you can drink before the pain started coming. Can also be added and mixed by mixing papaya, namely the stem, slice of Curcuma aeruginosa quarter indigo leaves and salt. How mixes very easily with smoothing all the materials plus half a glass of water, then strain and squeeze ready to drink 2-3 times a day.

Contains essential oils

Black pepper has health benefits because they contain essential oils such as piperine, amine alkaloids, which give the spicy taste of pepper. It also contains a variety of monoterpene hydrocarbons such as sabinene, pinene, terpenene, limonene, mercene, etc., which produces aroma of pepper.

strengthen digestion

Various active substances mentioned above in the pepper may increase intestinal motility, and strengthen digestion by increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes. Also found that piperine in pepper can help increase the absorption of selenium, vitamin B-complex, beta-carotene and other nutrients from food.

Critical resource

Black pepper contains minerals in good quantities, such as potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is an important compound of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body to cooperate with the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is essential for cellular respiration and blood cell production.

Sources of vitamin B complex

Black pepper is also an excellent source of vitamin B complex group essential, such as pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamin and niacin.

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