Thursday 7 May 2015

Benefits Cardamom For Health

Cardamom is a spice that is very beneficial for health and beauty. Any nutrients contained Cardamom? Cardamom contains +/- 300 calories per 100 grams. Other content cardamom is fiber, carbohydrates, essential oils, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, vitamin C, and magnesium.

1. Streamlining Digestive and Maintaining Healthy Stomach

Consuming Cardamom may increase saliva production. This means, digestion of food takes place smoothly. Similarly, the fiber contained by cardamom able to prevent constipation. Fibers contained by the Cardamom is good for the intestines.

Essential oils are dkandung by Cardamom can prevent the occurrence of gas in the stomach. So, cardamom can prevent Flatulence. Ulcers are commonly called ulcers can be treated by cineol, a type of oil contained in the Cardamom. It is also caused by substances in the cardamom that are anti-bacterial.

2. Improve blood circulation

Cardamom helps to improve blood circulation. This spice also has the ability to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clotting. It is associated with fiber and potassium were conceived by him. Normal blood pressure due to sodium in the body neutral.

3. Preventing Gastric acidity

For those patients with ulcer, Cardamom is good for you. This is related to the role of Cardamom in helping the Gall.

4. Prevent Osteoporosis

To maintain bone health, there are two indispensable substances, namely vitamin C and manganese. Especially for women in the postmenopausal period.

5. Eliminate Pain

Cardamom is an analgesic, relieve muscle pain, pain, and seizures. Cardamom is also anti-inflammatory so it can be used to treat inflammation of the gums.

6. Maintain Healthy kidneys

The study found that the Cardamom is a diuretic and a role in kidney health. Cardamom is also effective in treating urinary tract diseases, such as cystitis and nephritis.

7. Improve Immune System

By consuming cardamom can improve immunity. It is good to fight against bacteria and other pathogens.

8. Eliminate Depression

Cardamom can be used as aromatherapy, reduce nervous tension, depression. Pour a glass of cardamom when depressed mood improved.

9. Maintain Heart Health

Cardamom has the ability to accelerate blood circulation. So, healthy for your heart.

10. Help Fight Flu and Cough

Cardamom can also help overcome the flu, coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. Cardamom can provide a calming effect and warm and help thin the sputum so as to reduce the blockage in the nose and throat.

11. Maintaining Oral Health and Dental

Cardamom chewing can cause mouth fragrant. Dental pain can also be prevented by cardamom. Anti-bacterial in cardamom prevent infection.

12. Prevent Cancer

Cardamom also be an anti-carcinogen which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. Phytochemical content on Cardamom such as DIM (diindolilmetan) and IC3 (indole-3-carbinol) are very effective in preventing prostate cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

13. Maintain Skin Beauty and Health Hair

Nutrients in the form of vitamin cardamom, essential oils, and antioxidants can prevent damage caused by free radicals. Nutrition is also inhibits the formation of wrinkles, also great as youthful drug.

If you want the skin glowing and supple, vitamin C in cardamom effective for your skin health. Pimples and black spots can be prevented by consuming cardamom. This is because the cardamom is anti-inflammatory. Being anti-bacterial properties of cardamom effective in maintaining healthy skin from allergies.

Cardamom provide nutrients needed by the scalp, keeping the moisture of the scalp. Cardamom apply on the hair makes the hair roots become strong, clean from dandruff, hair shiny.

14. The natural diet using cardamom

Use Cardamom to lose body fat. Fiber in cardamom facilitate the digestive process, maintain satiety.

15. Treat itching in throat

Cardamom is very effective for people with asthma and whooping cough. Cardamom also contains spasmodic which can prevent seizures. You can make use of natural herbs cardamom to treat itching in the throat, and cough. Simply by mixing it with natural honey.

16. Removing toxins in the body

Caffeine in coffee is one of the toxic to the body. With Cardamom, toxins in the body can be removed.

17. Relieve body heat due to the sun

Weak and tired as a result of exposure to sunlight can be overcome by eating fruit Cardamom. This is often done by the nation of India.

18. Relieve Headaches

Sandalwood and cardamom are often used by the Indians in the form of pasta. Add cardamom into the drink tea or milk, can relieve headaches.

19. Improve the quality Voice

Often consume cardamom can cause voice quality remains excellent and rising. So, to maintain the quality of your voice, use cardamom.

20. Boost Stamina in the Night
The aphrodisiac properties of cardamom able to treat the disease of impotence and premature ejaculation.


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