Sunday 10 May 2015

Powerful benefits Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) For Body

Rambutan which also has a scientific name Nephelium Laapaceum, is one of the range of various fruit - fruit that plays a major role to improve the health of your body. Rambutan fruit is easily recognizable from the shape of a small fruit with a bright red color and the presence of fibers that resemble hair meets his skin. In the discussion this time, health tips will review the various benefits rambutan related to the health sector. Health tips, following rambutan tremendous benefits to your body:

1. Boosting Your Body's Energy. For those of you who are easily tired in various work routines, eating rambutan fruit can increase energy quickly. This is because, rambutan contains a number of carbohydrates and proteins required by your body.

2. Maintain Body Of Various Free Radicals. The air we breathe every second also carry harmful substances called free radicals. Rambutan fruit contains vitamin C is beneficial to maintain and protect the body from free radicals.

3. Effective Weight Loss. Rambutan fruit containing a source of fiber and water. Thus filling the body and makes you hungry is not easy in a relatively long time.

4. The Powerful Antidote Anemia. Source of iron in the fruit rambutan could avoid dizziness and fatigue make someone with work activities that are so dense.

5. The Potent Cancer Prevention. Gallic acid contained in fruit rambutan can destroy free radicals in the body that are potentially lead to various cancers.

6. Strengthening the Immune System Body. Copper content in the fruit rambutan huge benefit in the manufacture of white blood cells. These white blood cells that charge against a variety of viruses, germs and bacteria that are harmful to your body.

7. Organ Kidney Yang Better Health. The content of phosphorus in the fruit rambutan significant role in eliminating the waste that is concentrated in your kidneys.

8. Treating diabetes. You do not need to be confused how to treat diabetes, enough to provide five rambutan seeds and fry without oil, then blend it up into powder. then pour in a cup of hot water mix well, then drink.

9. Treat dysentery. If you are experiencing dysentery, alternative healing that you can use is to prepare 10 rambutan skin, then wash and cut into slices boiled with three cups of water until the water remaining half. Strain and drink twice a day.

10. Lowers fever. If your child was sick heat, alternative medicine is that you can use rambutan skin dry. The trick is to wash the skin of rambutan (15 grams) and then boiled with an added 3 cups of water, then drink three times a day.

11. Prevent dull skin. How to keep skin does not look dull and rough is to smooth the rambutan seed, and can be consumed with how mixed into the food that has been served or could you put it. Not only serves as beautify the skin, but also serves as a nutrition hair.

12. Blacken hair that was graying. When your hair graying middle and you do not know how to handle it. Enough with rambutan leaf you have found a solution. The trick to grab some rambutan leaves and mash until smooth. Give extra water to taste, then puree then squeeze and strain by using a small cloth. Do this treatment every day then your hair will look pretty stunning without gray hair on the head.

13. Curing Disease Hypertension

Experiencing hypertension is dangerous. When environmental triggers for relapse of disease hypertension will harm the heart. So that hypertension can be mitigated then eat rambutan. Benefits of rambutan able to relieve hypertension that you suffered. Thus becoming a natural drug that is not associated with the consumption of drugs at high doses.

14. Cure Diarrhea

Diarrhoeal diseases of the digestive condition indicates that you are not healthy. Impaired gastric conditions caused by bacteria that enter the body through food or beverages. By eating the fruit rambutan then both the stomach and intestines as digestive organs will always be protected.

15. Curing Disease Cholesterol

You who have high cholesterol levels, the consumption of fruit rambutan. Rambutan fruit contains flavonoids that can give you a healthy body mainly related to lower the amount of bad cholesterol.

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