Wednesday, 29 April 2015

How to Treat Eczema natural


How do treat eczema naturally, what the symptoms and causes of eczema, how to prevent and treat it? You already know about the disease eczema? Eczema is a skin disease that forms small blisters or bubbles in the skin layer. Eczema disease is also called dermatitis or eczema is an inflammation of the skin layer (skin inflammation), which makes the sufferer feel itchy but can not be transmitted or spread to others.

The following traditional ways to treat eczema involving herbs

herb 1

     Ingredients needed:
     - 10 grams galangal
     - 10 grams of turmeric
     - 3 grams of whiting

     How to make healing potions eczema:
     • Clean the turmeric and galangal with clean water, then both the material in the scar, then the grated mixed whiting, hereinafter the herb paste on the affected eczema, Wraps with gauze so as not to get wet, do the way this treatment routinely. And see the affected skin Eczema Disease had not been exposed to soap.

herb 2

Ingredients: 3 leaves of amethyst and coconut oil

Method: amethyst leaves finely ground, coupled with coconut oil. Then roasted over the fire.

How to use: in a warm state used to rub the body in contact eczema.

herb 3

Ingredients: carrots, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tbsp honey

Ways of processing:

     Rinse, then the juice to get the results of 200 cc.
     Add lime juice and honey, then drink every morning and evening before meals.

herb 4

Ingredients: ketepeng china (Senna alata), ½ teaspoon sulfur powder, 1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil.


     Rinse ketepeng china (Senna alata), puree. Add powdered sulfur and coconut oil or olive oil, stir, and heat briefly.
     Once warm, apply on the affected eczema.

herb  5


- 5 grams of ripe pagoda seeds
- 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil

How To Use:

- Roasted pagoda beans
- Then mashed up into a fine powder
- Then add coconut oil
- Stir until ingredients are well blended
- Apply herbs on the skin of eczema

herb 6


- 1 spinach thorns
- Salt

How To Use:

- Spinach washed, then cut into pieces
- Then add water until completely submerged
- Then boiled spinach up to 15 minutes
- Add a little salt and mix well
- Use the cooking water is still warm for washing and compresses the body that suffer from eczema.

herb 7


- 30 grams of Fresh root hoof (Ipomoea pes-caprae)

How To Use:

- Boil the roots of hooves (Ipomoea pes-caprae) with 3 cups water
- Allow the remaining 1 cup boiling water
- Once cool, strain the cooking water
- Drink this mixture all at once
- Do it every day until cured

herb  8


- Fresh neem leaves

How To Use:

- Finely milled neem leaf that has been washed
- Dab herbs on the skin sick
- And then wrapped with a bandage

herb 9


- 1/2 teaspoon of powdered mahogany seeds
- Honey

How To Use:

- Brewed mahogany seed powder with 1/2 cup of hot water
- Add the honey and stir until evenly
- Drink the potion at once while still warm
- Do it 3 times a day

herb 10


- 2 noni
- Bark of the noni plant size of 1 finger
- The roots of the noni plant size of 1 finger

How To Use:

- Wash all ingredients thoroughly
- Then boiled with water
- Use warm water to wash decoction of eczema

herb 11


- Carrots
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon honey

How To Use:

- Carrots washed
- Then the juice to get the results of 200 cc
- Then add the lemon juice and honey
- Perform 2 times daily before meals

herb 12


- 30 grams of ginger
- 10 grams (Andrographis paniculata)
- 15 grams of Centella asiatica
- Palm sugar

How To Use:

- Wash all ingredients
- Then boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc
- Then filtered
- Apply 2 times a day

Herb 13


fresh kale

How to Concocting

Wash kale until clean, then boiled until boiling for 15 minutes.

How To Use:

Wash the eczema afflicted with warm water spinach stew.

herb 14

Ingredients: Aloe vera leaves peel, puree the inside.

Usage: Aloe vera leaves dough mix to be somewhat thick. Apply on the affected skin eczema.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Prevention and treatment of cancer

The herbs in the world proven to prevent or treat cancer. Although the need to further research and development, a number of plants such as white turmeric, vinca, leaf god (Gynura divaricata) to the parasite has been used as an endeavor to cure cancer disease. Many who survived that traditional medicine become the foundation of a new hope for cancer patients
Soursop (Graviola Synthetic)

Spiny fruit is soft, white flesh, sweet-sour / acid, eaten with the skin or the way open for the juice. Usefulness of the fruit soursop gives effect anti-tumor or cancer is very strong, and medically proven to cure all types of cancer. In addition to cure cancer, soursop fruit also acts as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal (fungi), effective against various types of parasites or worms, lowers high blood pressure, depression, stress, and normalize the nervous system that are less good.

Curcuma Curcuma zedoaria & Mango

1 teaspoon powdered Curcuma pressed brewed with ½ cup hot water (100 cc) then deposited and taken only water.

vinca (Catharanthus roseus)

22 boiled leaves of vinca and fennel fruit (Foeniculum vulgare) and bark pulasari (Alyxia reinwardti) with three glasses of water. Season brown sugar, after boil until only half, strain. Potion drunk three times a day each half a glass. Treatment is done for at least a month.

Taro mice (Typhonium Flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber)

To inhibit cancer cell growth, three rods complete with rat taro leaves (approximately 50 grams) was soaked for 30 minutes, finely crushed and squeezed. The juice is filtered and drunk.

curcuma (Curcuma zanthorrhiza)

efficacious as a cure for cancer. According to Andrew Chevallier Mnimh, herbalist from London, in Curcuma zanthorrhiza contained curcumol and curdione are efficacious anticancer and antitumor. In China, ginger has long been used as a cure cervical cancer. These plants can enhance the effects of cancer cell death.

popular as crop potent drugs. Noni fruit flesh or pace (Morinda citrifolia L.) containing dammacanthel, anticancer agents that can fight the growth of abnormal cells in precancerous stages and can prevent the development of cancer cells. Freshly squeezed juice of two or three noni can spiked with honey to taste more delicious. Should choose not too ripe noni because alcohol formed by fermentation on overripe noni damaging vital substances contained in it.

Leaves god (Gynura divaricata)

30 grams of leaves of the gods (Gynura divaricata) fresh, 20 grams of ginger and white, which is boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then filtered and drunk the water can be used in the treatment of cancer. Can also use other materials such as leaves 30 grams of fresh god (Gynura divaricata), 30 grams of fresh periwinkle, pearl grass 30 grams, 30 grams grass snake tongue (Hedyotis diffusa Willd.) Boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 500 cc. The water is filtered and then add honey to taste, stir and drink while warm.

Ceremai leaf (Phyllanthus acidus)

Ceremai handful of young leaves, a pinch of starfruit leaves, bidara upas a finger, a finger chinese yam and palm sugar boiled with three glasses of water to stay glass. This herb is taken three times a day each one glass.


While the compounds in the parasite has long been thought to act as an inhibitor of cancer malignancy. Parasite are boiled into a tea can be used as a drug proven support while undergoing chemotherapy (treatment with anticancer drug taking).


eliminate Bruising Naturally

Bruising wounds is a condition where a state of frozen blood and can not flow from trauma so that blood circulation can not run properly. Bruises can be caused by many things, such as a fall, hit the door, or because of a fight. Actually bruises can be removed in a short time, if you know how to take care of him.

we immediately just how to make the medicine

Bruising drug to Drink

The first drug

made from the leaves of the gods (Gynura divaricata) and red ginger. Gynura divaricata containing an analgesic or pain reliever, while Red Ginger has a flavor that is hot enough to make the bruises feel better also able to warm up the body.

Comparison 3: 5 so if Gynura divaricata 3gr and red ginger 
5 g

How To Make

     Mashed or blender both ingredients
     Then boiled with boiling water to taste
     Filter and input in a glass
     Drinking every day

Bruising drugs for Pasted

Leaves of Jatropha

The trick mashed taste and paste on the wound


we were able to improve blood circulation. So good for bruises, besides neutralizing too.


     Flower Impatiens balsamina

Blend all ingredients then put on the bruised area

Betel Leaf

has a lot of properties or benefits. It turns betel leaf is able to treat bruises on the body. It feels very comfortable when used to treat bruises.

The trick

     When cooking rice Betel leaves are put on top for warmth
     It could also be roasted on the fire as long as not to scorch
     Continue to stick to the wound bruises

Kaempferia galanga

so a lot of benefits, Kaempferia galanga can also be used as a drug bruises.


     Kaempferia galanga 5 fingers

The trick mash all the ingredients and then paste gets sick contusion

Blustru (Luffa cylindrice Roem)
roasted and mashed Blustru seeds  up and put on the wounds were bruised

Compress With Ice

It is a way of eliminating the most easy bruising. When you hit, immediately find a few ice cubes and add to the napkins. Fold and paste section in such a way that any impact and sustained bruises. Allow a few moments until the cold reduced and then replace again with new ice, Do continue for several minutes.

Compress with warm water

You can use warm water as a way to eliminate bruises quickly. The warm water will make the blood that clump together and relax again and freezes into the blood stream can be smoothly as before. Use a cloth towel or other thick cloth that has been dipped into hot water, then put on parts that have bruised.

Compress with celery

Fresh celery is also believed to relieve swelling caused by bruises. Mash a handful of celery then apply on the body have been bruised, let celery sticks to the skin a few minutes until the swelling is reduced. Having tasted better, you can throw away the dregs of celery and then clean the wound with cold water.

Apple Vinegar

Apple Vinegar also can eliminate bruising way is apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and compress the surface of the skin that bruises. Then little by little bruising will disappear.

Compress with pineapple

Pineapple is also very nutritious eliminate bruising, it is because it contains the enzyme bromelain which has a function to control and heal bruises. The trick is then shredded pineapple compress to the wound is bruised wait until half dry and then rinse with plain water.


Turmeric destroyed in a manner that gets shredded and then compress the wound. Turmeric will help relieve the aches and pains due to the bruise.

Eliminates Gray Hair naturally


White hair is usually owned by people aged 40 years old and above. It turns out today found many young people who are having problems graying hair, even prematurely. Now, you need not worry, because a lot of ways to eliminate gray hair that is easy to apply at home. Basically indeed every human being must experience this; but you can do the necessary precautions to prevent hair color change process.

There is a way to eliminate gray hair naturally, so that your appearance look more fresh and young.


The trick is to brew tea with hot water, then let stand for 24 hours. The next day the use of Camellia sinensis L to wet hair. Do it for a few weeks. It turns the tea has a high antioxidant content so that it can resolve the problem on the hair.

Lemon and coconut oil

Both of these natural ingredients can boost production of melanin which can discolor the hair and prevents gray hair growth rate.

Here's how:

     Mix lemon juice and coconut oil in a small container (must match the length of the hair).
     Stir the ingredients until blended.
     Rub the skin, hair and the hair strands while gently massaged.
     Continues to permeate the hair roots let stand for 15-30 minutes late, then rinse the hair with clean water.

papaya seeds

If you are graying, after opening the papaya fruit seeds should not be set aside. Use the papaya seeds to eliminate while inhibiting the growth of gray hair.

The trick refer to:

     Take grain seeds from the papaya
     Wash, soak and wash it with water.
     Roasted all papaya seeds to use frying
     Mashed papaya seeds that have been roasted until smooth
     Pour the coconut oil to taste the delicate papaya seeds
     Stir briefly, wipe the hair evenly.
     Balut hair using a towel or shower cap
     Let dry for about 2 hours, then rinsed

Leaf rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)

Leaf rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) believed to society as a natural ingredient discolor hair, it is medically proven to be true at the same time is able to inhibit the rate of black hair grow gray because it contains saponins, tannins and polyphenols are able to optimize the production of hair pigment.

Ways of making potions:

     Pluck a few leaves rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), wash and clean.
     Clean and mash until smooth.
     Pour a little water on the herbs, stir.
     Squeeze freshly poured water on the leaves finely rambutan using a clean cloth.
     The juice that comes out is used to lubricate the hair evenly.
     Ignore 30 minutes, rinse clean.

This treatment should be carried out 2-3 times a week for the results quickly felt.

bitter yoghurt

Bitter herb yoghurt is made from a mixture of black pepper, coffee powder and yoghurt without sugar. This herb is applied evenly to the hair and scalp and then let stand for 1 hour then rinse with shampoo. Not only nutritious eliminate gray hair, but also able to make your hair more shine.

egg whites

The latter is a unique way to use egg whites. 3 Take chicken egg whites that have been taken, then mix with ½ cup water and ½ teaspoon of fine salt. The third Rub mixture evenly on the scalp and hair with a massage. Let stand for 2 to 3 hours then rinse thoroughly. Perform this method regularly for 2 to 3 days a week.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Traditional medicine Hair Lice 

Hair is the crown of every human being. With beautiful hair then we will look more beautiful and dignified. But we often made uncomfortable with hair that is often itchy. Itchy hair causes vary. This time I discuss lice and solutions naturally traditional herbal treatment.

Red Onion

how to use it is as much puree onion 5 cloves, onion and rub it all over head lice. Let stand 1 to 1.5 hours after that we wash our hair with shampoo.

White wood oil and Lime
4 tablespoons lemon eucalyptus oil mixed together. Mix and apply it evenly throughout your hair. After that, allow hair lice medicine is about 2 hours. Rinse your hair with a wash.

Coconut Oil
prepare a plastic shower cap or hair covering for showers and coconut oil. Apply coconut oil evenly on the hair and scalp, then let stand for about 8 hours. Once done, rinse the hair with warm water and then wash with shampoo.

white vinegar

This is a way to eradicate lice eggs attached to the hair that much hair. By using white vinegar, we will easily pull hair lice eggs. You know, it turns out with white vinegar can make the hair lice eggs can not hatch. How to use white vinegar for the treatment of head lice is to apply white vinegar to the whole head dive let stand 2 hours. After that wash hair with a wash.


Almond is the most effective ingredients to get rid of lice by running a home-based care, according to Ayurveda.

     Soak 10 almonds in water overnight.
     In the morning, peeled and minced or mashed into a paste dense almonds.
     Add three tablespoons of lemon juice or lime juice into a paste.
     Apply a cream that has become the scalp and hair evenly.
     Wait until approximately two hours.
     Clean the pasta that sticks with cold water.

The treatment you can do once a week over a period of two consecutive months.


Containing 70 percent alcohol content of isopropyl or absolute alcohol can also use to eradicate the infestation. This material is safe to use and success is guaranteed, depending on how brave you try it.

     Prepare a container in the form of a basin or bowl, pour the alcohol.
     Use fingers to wipe the alcohol to the hair and scalp, then rub gently.
     Let stand for a few minutes.
     Do not be cleaned first, add just enough to rub the skin conditioner kapala.
     Use a special lice comb to remove all the lice in the hair.
     If it is already, wash your hair with shampoo manner.

This treatment may only do once a week for one or two months.

Lime Juice

Simply use lemon juice on the hair lice will be tormented by its acidic nature.

     Make lemon juice from fresh fruit, then wash your hair with lemon juice.
     Let stand for half an hour, then rinse with vinegar and warm water.

Treatment with lemon juice and a little vinegar can eliminate lice quickly. Ranging from adults to children is very suitable to use this way because it does not harm the hair.

Olive Oil
Olive oil extraction result is a skin care ingredients that never run out of fans, this is because olive oil provides a myriad of benefits for health and beauty, one of which eliminate the lice.

     Before use, apply olive oil to the entire scalp and hair before bed each night.
     Close the scalp and hair using shower-cap, go to sleep on their backs.
     The next day wash your hair with clean water, then finish off with shampoo.

This beauty rituals can you carry out every day, olive oil has no side effects on the skin condition the hair.


who does not know mayonnaise? In addition to be pasta to burgers and hot dogs, according to the Minnesota Health Department mayonnaise can also be used to reduce lice.

     Apply mayonnaise to the hair and scalp thoroughly.
     Close shower cap or plastic, if necessary you can wrap in a towel as a coating.
     Let mayonnaise works to kill fleas for at least 5 to 6 hours.
     If you have, wash hair with regular shampoo and blow-dry using a hair dryer heat temperature in order to maximize the work of mayonnaise to kill head lice.
     Finally, use a lice comb slowly and see how many ticks are killed.

This treatment can you practice once a week for two months.

aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that is often used to treat the hair and avoid various problems such as loss of hair attack, branched, dandruff and lice.

     Take the aloe plant is old (dark green and the leaves were at the bottom) according to the thickness of hair.
     Wash using water and split into two parts.
     Rub the inside of aloe vera on the scalp and hair gently, make sure the mucus gel or aloe vera on the scalp.
     Flatten the mucus using a hand that has been soaked in water and then give the massage gently for 20 minutes.
     After 2 to 3 hours, then wash the hair with water.
     Last aloe vera shampoo that smells missing

Soursop Leaf

Soursop leaves are boiled, the water can be used to eliminate the infestation. It's easy, prepare a handful of soursop leaves, then boiled in water. Use for shampooing, but before wash your hair with cold water.

Eliminating Dandruff Naturally and Permanently

Dandruff is a condition in which the scalp covered with fungus. Dandruff is characterized by the symptoms of itching and the occurrence of white flakes scattered on the scalp which is very annoying and makes you feel uncomfortable, especially if asked to wear a black dress that seems contradictory to the color white.

How to get rid of dandruff naturally can be seen below:


How to get rid of dandruff naturally and permanently can be done by using lemon juice. Using lemon juice is not to be squeezed, you simply divide the lemon into two parts, then use the slices of lemon on the scalp is dandruff, making sure not to scalp area is not rubbed with a slice of lemon. Perform this natural way 30 minutes before you intend to shampoo. Perform this method at any time while you are relaxing at home.

Virgin coconut oil

Simply by regularly massaging the scalp and dandruff hair with pure coconut oil and then leave it alone for a few moments until the content in coconut oil absorbs perfectly on the surface of the scalp.

To be more effective, try to wrap your head with a warm towel after the massage lasts, the longer the towel wrapped with coconut oil, the better the results obtained.

fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Fenugreek is also effective to help eliminate dandruff naturally, fenugreek will cleanse the scalp of dandruff. Soak fenugreek seeds in water and let stand for one full night, the next day destroyed soaked fenugreek seeds are then smeared on the scalp and hair, leave 20 minutes before rinsing.

Water solution with vinegar

Vinegar in fact good and effective enough to help eliminate dandruff of the scalp and hair, dandruff overcome by dissolving vinegar in water and then leave for the night, and when morning you can wash by mixing a solution of vinegar in shampoos, especially good quality herbal shampoo ,

Drinking mineral water

Drinking mineral water every day will help overcome the problems of dandruff skin. Drinking water will keep you healthy and fresh, including the hair and scalp health.

genggang straw and gotu kola

Ingredients: 1 genggang straw, 2 g leaves gotu kola.

How to make:
straw were burnt and then soaked in water and destroyed by means of squeezing and let stand one night.
Gotu kola leaves crushed and mixed with straw plainly filtered water.
Use water to wash without using shampoo again.

aloe vera

Aloe vera is believed to make the hair look softer and beautiful. Besides aloe vera can also provide essential nutrients for healthy scalp and prevents dandruff. By way of the flesh take aloe vera then apply it evenly throughout the hair, leave on for up to 10 minutes then rinse with shampoo to clean.

almond oil

apply the hair and scalp with a little almond oil and massage gently approximately 5-10 minutes and then wrap your hair with a towel soaked with warm water. Perform this traditional recipe at least 2x a week.

baking Soda
Buy a box of baking soda, then wet your hair first. Sprinkle baking soda and rub that on the scalp and hair. Wait a few minutes, wear clean water and let it dry by itself. When washing or cleaning the hair, do not use shampoo.

natural cure for migraines

One of disease on the head is headaches or migraine. And all this time, to treat migraines generally used drugs that are synthesized and based chemicals.

In fact to note is based on research published in the New England Journal of Medicine says that drugs commonly used to treat migraine, in certain cases it can cause serotonin syndrome.

In a study conducted by researchers from Georgetown University and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the 11 cases of serotonin syndrome associated with the use of triptans. Triptnas itself is one of a class of drugs commonly used for the treatment of migraine. On the other publications, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) American states that serotonin syndrome may occur when a nerve conductor (neurotransmitter) serotonin excess, such as caused by the use of drugs that affect serotonin levels.

Ginger is an excellent natural remedy used to assist in the prevention and treatment of migraine.

How to make ginger herbal ingredients to treat migraines naturally:

● First way:
- Prepare the dried rhizome powder.
- For adults and children over six years, used ginger powder weighing 0.5 g for a drink.
- Brewed with hot water
- In warm circumstances taken 2-4 times a day, done regularly

● Method two:
- Prepare a thumb-sized piece of ginger
- Fuel, until fragrant smell (slightly charred)
- Scrape and wash skin
- Then mashed or crushed.
  - Brewed with a glass of hot water with a little palm sugar added - once in the circumstances Drink warm, 3 times a day.


Thursday, 23 April 2015

Treat hemorrhoid with herbs

hemorrhoid occurs because the blood vessels in the anus widened due to the obstruction of blood flow to the heart. With the widening of the blood vessels will cover the mucous membranes, skin, connective tissue or smooth muscles which gradually swells to form a bulge. Well bulge is what will interfere discharge during bowel movements because it will hinder the process of discharge, especially if the dirt is hard conditions, it will cause bleeding because the bulge hurt that causes bleeding even feel pain during bowel movements


Rinse several sheets of young guava leaf and 1 piece of stone that are not peeled banana. Puree and squeeze to remove the water. Drinking the juice every day on a regular basis to heal hemorrhoid disease.

aloe Vera

Take the pulp of aloe leaf 1/2 that has been cleaned up and disposed of thorns. Then add the grated 1/2 cup cooking water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir and strain. Drink the potion 3 times a day until healed. To assist the process of treatment, apply aloe vera already juiced and mixed norit and gambier powder to taste the anal region suffering from hemorrhoid.


Plant anthill (Myrmecodia pendans) contains flavonoids and tannins are high and proven to treat hemorrhoids. If you can not get the ingredients from natural plant ant nest, you can buy ready-made capsules and sold in the market. Drink capsule anthill as recommended on the packaging regularly to heal hemorrhoids.

Gotu kola
Clean and cut into 5 following gotu kola plant roots. Add 1 cup of hot water and simmer about 5 minutes. Let cool and drink little by little 1 cup a day.

leaves Salak
Boil 3 leaves bark in 1 cup of water. Strain and add brown sugar to taste. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis. This treatment for hemorrhoids that have not been severe and the disease usually recover within 15 days.


Finely crushed garlic to taste and squeeze and take the water. Apply the juice of garlic around the anus every day.

Cassava Tape

Papers cassava really cook (very soft) 3 times a day on a regular basis. Perform this habit despite hemorrhoid symptoms have disappeared. Some literature states that a tape of other materials such as sticky tape white or black sticky tape can also treat hemorrhoids, severe hemorrhoid even though. It is said that the yeast contained in the tape can be healthy digestion and sewer.

Fruit and Seed Momordica charantia
Wash the roots, fruit and Seed Momordica charantia and finely crushed to obtain juice 1/2 cup water. Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Soak in hot water in your anus, and then paste concoction using cotton on the anus.

Boil the trunk or cone-shaped leaves that have been cleaned. Use herbs to wash the anus routinely


Boil 15 grams of mushroom add sugar. The results of this stew eaten for several days.

Leaves bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides)

young leaves as much as 5 pieces
Clean with water and roll it by hand
Then insert it into your anus with every 1 a day to 2 weeks in a row.

herb 1

Billowing roots (Sterculia foetida) 5-10 gr
Bark of the kapok (Ceiba petandra) 4-5 gr
Bark kesambi (Schleichera oleosa) 4-5 gr
Bark Jelema / penarahan (Knema cinerea) 4-5 gr
Pedes powder ½ gr
Palm wine ½ gr

How to Make Herb
Mash until smooth billowing roots, bark cottonwoods, kesambi bark, bark Jelema / penarahan, pedes powder ½ gr. Then add the wine, mix until blended.
Apply on the affected part until you heal hemorrhoids or piles.

herb 2
Sembung (Blumea balsamifera) Young 20-25 gr
Fennel 4-5 gr
Whiting 2-3 gr
2-3 glasses of clean water

How to Make Herb
Mix sembung with fennel and whiting, then boiled with water until boiling.
Drinking potions hemorrhoids 2-3 x 1 day.

herb 3

Purple leaves (Graptophyllum pictum) 14-15 gr
2-3 glasses of clean water

How to Make Herb
Wash thoroughly purple leaves, then boiled with water until boiling.
Drink 2-3 x 1 day 1 cup. Perform routine so that the hemorrhoid be cured.

herb 4
Leaves nasty shard (Hemigraphis colorata) 4-5 gr
1 cup hot water

How to Make Herb
Wash thoroughly leaves nasty shard, and brewed with hot water.
Drink this concoction hemorrhoids 2-3 x 1 day until healed.

herb 5

Rhizome black Intersection 15 gr
Chicken egg yolk
2 tablespoons honey
1 cup hot water

How to Make Herb
Rinse and black meeting, then peel, grate. Brewed with hot water. Then cool briefly before filtered. Add egg yolks and honey in the herb is ready to drink.
Drink the potion hemorrhoid once depleted. Do after waking up.

herb 6

The roots of spinach (Ipomea sp.) 3 handheld
Clean water 3 cups

How to Make Herb
Roots kale washed thoroughly, then boiled using clean water, allow it to stay half, remove and let cool, strain.
Drinking potions hemorrhoids 2 x 1 day. Every time you drink as much as 2/4 cup.

herb 7

Red betel leaf (Piper decumanum) 7 sheets
Bidara leaves rattle 20 gr
Fruit god 30 gr
Clean water 3 cups

How to Make Herb
Wash the red betel leaves, leaf bidara policeman, fruit god to clean. Boil until boiling and let sit until the water remains one glasses. Lift, dingikan, strain.
Drinking potions hemorrhoid 2 x 1 day while still warm.

herb 8

Herbal hoof (Ipomoea pes-caprae) 30 g
360 grams of chicken intestine
enough water

How to Make Herb
Wash thoroughly plants hoof and chicken intestine. Cook all ingredients until it becomes soft.
Eating teams while warm. Perform routine to hemorrhoids or piles you get well soon.

Natural Acne Medication


Acne is not a deadly disease such as heart disease or cancer. However, acne is the most annoying disease that never existed. Our facial skin was silky smooth and pretty suddenly become bleak due to the acne that appears.

Here I will give you the best solution to get rid of acne, using traditional acne medications from natural materials are certainly safe.

Egg Whites

Egg whites contain a lot of protein, it can be used as a mask to lighten the skin of your face. Take one egg, then separate yellow with white. Set aside yellow, blend the egg white, then apply to the entire face. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse.

aloe Vera

Aloe vera is usually used to relieve burns, but can also be used to treat acne scars on the face. Apply aloe vera sap on the scar and use once a day until the scars disappear.

Honey and Strawberries

Mix half a cup of strawberries with one white egg, and two teaspoons of honey. Put the mixture into a face mask before you, but not to hit the area around the eyes. Allow the mask to dry, until approximately 10 to 20 minutes. You will feel the tightening mask on your face when it dries. After that, rinse your face with cold water or lukewarm to clean mask. Let's face it dry for best results.

Lime Juice
To make the lemon juice, lime juice mix with cold water and drink it every day. Meanwhile, you can also treat acne by applying lime in the face. The trick, put lime juice on top of cotton, then apply to the face. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

You can feel the effects of lime work is when skin feels a little sore. If your skin is very sensitive, mix lemon juice with a little water before being given to cotton.

Cinnamon and Honey

Natural acne cures that you can use is a cinnamon powder and honey. Mix a bit of cinnamon powder and honey to taste, stir until blended. Apply only on the acne. This mask will help to overcome inflammation of acne and make acne immediately deflated. Rinse former next morning.


In addition to often used as a seasoning, it turns turmeric can also be used as an acne medicine. How, provide turmeric powder, liquid milk and lemon, squeeze the water grab. Mix all ingredients together and form a paste, and rub on the skin with acne. Wait for 15 minutes, rinse with clean water.

Compress With Ice Cubes

Rather than push, wrap an ice cube in a clean cloth. Stick it on the acne area for 30 seconds. Ice cubes will shrink pores and absorb excess oil.

baking Soda

Simply take 1 teaspoon baking soda, and then mixed with water to form a paste. Rub gently on the skin for 10-15 seconds, then rinse thoroughly. Baking soda will remove dead skin from acne that is already dry. Your face will look more clean and shining.


Oatmeal can absorb oil well and also can clear up acne on the face. Cook oatmeal as usual, then chill. Apply oatmeal to the face as a mask, let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly, and pat gently with a towel to dry

apple cider vinegar

Apply apple cider vinegar to taste the pimples on the face 3 times a day, and you have no usefulness doubt. Acne on your face will be resolved and remedied quickly.


Powerful Traditional Medicines and Natural for Thrush

What is a thrush? In medicine, canker sores known as stomatitis, which is the swelling or inflammation in the area around the mouth and tongue. Thrush is not a deadly disease such as cancer or heart. But it feels so painful because it feels sore when chewing food resulting in the sufferer becomes uncomfortable to eat, even though his favorite food.

To treat thrush, we can use the materials as follows:

1. Coconut water

Coconut water has a calming effect on the digestive system. Coconut water is also known for its cooling properties. In addition to hydrate the body and is also good for curing canker sores.

2. Guava leaves

It is one of the home remedies that can help treat thrush naturally. Chew some leaves of guava and gargle.

3. Banana and Honey

Eat bananas and honey to cure canker sores. You can even apply this paste on the ulcers to reduce inflammation.

4. Garlic and papaya

Applying directly to the wound thrush medication can speed up the healing process. Paste raw onion, papaya or tea bag directly on the wound canker sores.

5. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties. You can mix coconut oil with honey. Apply the mixture on the canker sores mouth three times a day.

6. Tomatoes
Fruits that contain vitamin C such as tomatoes can cure canker sores. Consumption of raw tomatoes or tomato juice for vitamin C.

7. Turmeric
Do not think turmeric only serves as seasoning. Turmeric is also able to treat ulcers. Take turmeric to taste, washed and pounded until smooth. Apply a paste made from turmeric collision that has been mixed with one teaspoon of glycerin.

8. Salt and baking soda

This is one solution to treat canker sores with ease. Make a paste of salt and baking soda by adding a little water. Apply the paste on ulcers (sores canker sores) and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

9. Drinking Yoghurt

Yoghurt control the balance of bacteria in the mouth and body. With this, you can increase the speed of wound healing and help prevent canker sores.

10. Coffee Powder

Take a little coffee powder and provide passage for canker sores, let how many minutes, then rinse with clean water. Until recovered. Can be recovered approximately 2-3 days.

11. Cucumber

Take a cucumber and then washed clean. Eat as fresh vegetables every day, can simultaneously during breakfast, lunch, and afternoon. Perform routine that sprue speedy recovery.

12. The leaves of kale

Wash the leaves of kale thoroughly, mash, add salt and water, then squeeze, strain. Use water to rinse your potions. Perform routine that canker sores heal faster.

13. Bark rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)

Wash thoroughly bark rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum), then boiled in two cups of water to a boil, allow some time until the water a half. Drink this concoction of natural medicine to heal canker sores.

14. Fruit Avocado
Take the avocado, then scrape the flesh to be taken, after the mash using a tablespoon, add honey. Eating avocado concoction every day until canker sores heal.

15. Flowers marigolds (Tagetes erecta)

Wash thoroughly flowers marigolds. After the drying in the sun to dry. Boil dried marigolds to the boil, let the remaining 1 cup water. Then, remove, cool and strain. Drinking natural herbal potions 2 x 1 day, each ½ cup to heal canker sores.

16. Leaves Pyrrosia piloselloides

Wash thoroughly Pyrrosia piloselloides leaves, then boiled with three cups water to a boil, allow it to stay two glasses. Use natural herbs for these sores to gargle.

17. Leaves ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus)

Wash thoroughly ceremai leaves. Boil enough water to boiling. Drink herb leaves ceremai regularly to heal canker sores.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

How to Whiten Teeth Naturally


I will explain this time from several internet sources and from my personal experience. Yellow teeth are often the cause of someone insecure and difficult to get along, in addition to the yellow teeth also indicates that the teeth are not healthy and can damage the health of the body such as the mouth and gums. Therefore if you are one of many people who experience health problems in your teeth should read this article to finish.

some traditional tips / natural for teeth whitening following:


Caring for your teeth can also be done using Siwak or miswak is a branch or tree roots that can be used to clean the teeth, gums and mouth. The way this has been done since time immemorial Muslims to maintain hygiene and tooth strength. All branches or roots of trees can be used to cleanse his teeth if qualified is soft and must be kept clean.

wood charcoal

Strange indeed, whiten teeth with objects that are clearly black. This method is included traditional but powerful way eliminates the yellow color. But you also have to be careful in using wood charcoal, excessive use can damage tooth enamel and cause pain in the teeth. So do naturally only.

orange peel

Who would have thought, orange peel that we usually throw away was also beneficial. Orange peel can be used to treat teeth. Use the inside of the orange peel white to brush your teeth yellow. Do it regularly every day and will be white teeth naturally and quickly. Be careful for those who have sensitive teeth, vitamin C contained in it is not suitable for the type of your teeth.


In addition to good to eat, strawberries are also believed to whiten teeth naturally. Consuming fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, apples, carrots, and celery are also useful as a natural ingredient of tooth whitening. You do not need to make a special potion, live consumed as usual, and your teeth will look healthy and white.
Natural toothpaste

To make the traditional first toothpaste we provide the bay leaves and orange peel then dried both to dry. Mash until smooth then add water and stir to form a paste. Use natural toothpaste that you have created for brushing teeth, this potent herb make teeth look whiter.

Lemon and Salt

Make toothpaste made from natural ingredients that of lemon juice plus a little salt. Natural toothpaste which one is believed to help whiten your teeth. But remember not too often, because salt can damage the enamel.

Baking soda

Baking soda is able to remove stains that exist on the teeth, but if it is too often used baking soda it will damage the natural layer of the teeth therefore use baking soda to whiten teeth up to 1 or 2 times a month. Whiten teeth with the way this one is easy. You only need to apply baking soda to the entire surface of the teeth and let stand for about 10 minutes. After that brush your teeth with toothpaste to clean.

Betel nuts

Helpful to take care of our teeth. Betel nuts are believed by the first community can help to whiten teeth. The trick is to burn betel nuts until charred and mashed until smooth. Then rub betel nuts that have been refined to the teeth by using a nut fiber or cotton cloth. Perform 2 weeks. And wait for the results. Oh yes, in addition to whiten teeth, betel nut can also strengthen the teeth you know!

Dairy products

some dairy products sold in the market such as cheese and other foods (yogurt) which contains high calcium will be very well taken to help whiten and strengthen our teeth. So multiply the consumption of foods containing high calcium, especially milk.

Attract dirt with oil

Dirt towing gear with oil, commonly called the ayurvedic remedy. For the layman in this way never occurred at all, because the oil used to this way of using coconut oil or sunflower seed oil. Its use was fairly easy, just need to use rinse briefly in the morning and you will undoubtedly teeth clean and white


Natural way to treat tooth decay


On this occasion I am going to discuss about how to treat the pain of cavities. Toothache what is that. ?? Toothache is pain on the part that is around the teeth and the cause was due to problems with teeth and jaws, such as cavities, gum swelling or jaw disease, and others

Here's a natural remedy to overcome cavities


The trick drops spoonful by spoonful of lemon juice on the sore tooth every 10 minutes, until the orange juice runs out. Vitamin C in orange juice can also relieve toothache and that lime be one way to treat pain cavities


It turns behind the saltiness on the iodine content of salt there it can relieve pain in the teeth. The trick, dissolve the salt in a glass of warm mineral water then stir, after it use as a mouthwash until you feel comfortable enough and not too tormented by the pain of teeth. But, you are not recommended to chew directly salt, because the outbreak was up on the sidelines of the teeth.


The trick Take some fruit starfruit Rinse, then eat by using salt. Chew slowly using the aching tooth.


Also can reduce pain in the teeth because this Clove has anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and anesthetic properties. The trick spray a little oil of cloves to cotton and paste on the aching tooth. You can also mix a few drops of clove oil in a glass of water to rinse.


Have antibiotic properties, is very effective for reducing pain in the teeth. Way to take a clove of garlic mash until smooth, add salt and rub directly on the tooth ache. Repeat this treatment until a few days.

Red Onion

Has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that it can to control the toothache. do Take a clove of raw onion continues to chew up a few minutes until the pain in the missing tooth. But if you can not chew, just rub the sore tooth. This will help kill the bacteria in the mouth that cause infections.

Guava leaves

It also can relieve toothache. The way you pretty Chew one or two pieces. continued to rub the sore tooth Or you can also cook and add salt to boiling 4-5 guava leaves in a glass of water.


It would be very useful when the teeth are very sensitive. how Take pepper and salt with the same sheer number continues to mix a few drops of water to form a paste. Then Apply the paste directly on the aching tooth and let stand for a few minutes. If you need to repeat this activity every day until a few days until the pain caused by tooth decay is reduced.

Tamarind seeds

Enough of you roasted the seeds, then puree until smooth. Then apply on the affected part of your tooth.

Avocado seeds

Of avocado, of course you'll find the seeds, avocado seeds can be utilized as a folk remedy for toothache. The trick is to take 1 avocado seeds, wash thoroughly. Furthermore, drain the beans and roasted until it is completely dry. Once dried, puree the avocado seed to form a fine powder. Use the powder to be inserted into cavities or applied on the aching tooth.

Ice Cube

Ice cubes can freeze the nerves of the teeth that are contracted with the bacteria that resides in the cavities. How to use, take pieces of stone, ice and place it inside the cavities. Do it for 5 minutes 2 times a day.

Roots Kale

When we're cooking vegetables kale, spinach roots often just thrown away. It turns out that the roots of spinach also can cure toothache is by boiling the root handful of kale with a glass of water and add ½ teaspoon of vinegar. Then use boiling water to rinse.

Hot tea

Did you know, hot tea may help relieve toothache. Warm tea is able to provide temporary effect on dental pain subsides. In addition, warm tea is also beneficial to eliminate bacteria in the teeth. It's easy, prepare a tea bag dipped in hot tea. Make sure that the hot tea does not contain sugar. If so, put on the gums, wait for a while until the pain subsides.

Cayenne pepper

Perhaps you wonder, why cayenne pepper can cure toothache. Yes, cayenne pepper capcasain contains compounds that can relieve pain, including toothache. For it would not hurt if you try. Quite easy, cayenne pepper dissolve in hot water and then prepare cotton and dip. Squeeze a little then put on the sidelines of cavities.

Natural cure food poisoning


Food poisoning can happen to anyone if we are not careful when eating food or drink, especially if we frequent snacks outside or consume food that is not of our own making, therefore always check the food that we eat for example by checking the expiration date, smell the food or the food may have changed color, if you are more careful then you will avoid food poisoning.

If we often consume food from outside does not guarantee the food is clean and healthy, it could be without us knowing it contains bacteria or moldy and stale even if the condition of the body is weak then we will have food poisoning characterized by headache, nausea , vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and others.

Therefore, if you experience mild poisoning from consuming unhygienic food then there is no harm in trying to consume some natural remedies as reported by Boldsky, see review below.

Some natural remedies that you can use to overcome food poisoning:


Very good if you always provide a lemon at home and you can store it in the refrigerator so that lemon can be more durable, lemon contains acid that is effective to kill the bad bacteria in your stomach how to mix the lemon juice in your drinks.


Who is not familiar with the name ginger rhizome type is very good for poisoning caused by food because ginger is a natural antibiotic that is very potent, you can consume a warm ginger ginger slices or enter into your tea.

Apple cider vinegar

For those of you who frequent stomach disorders such as ulcer disease, infection of the stomach or other digestive disorders you can consume an excellent apple vinegar to cure the problem in your stomach with this brew cider vinegar with warm water.

Black Tea

Tannic acid content in black tea is very effective against food poisoning, drink black tea when your stomach feels sick as a result of food poisoning.


Peppermint leaves with a little bit of fresh flavor and spicy can also to overcome the interference stomach infection, you can mix it into the peppermint tea or juice.


If you experience gastrointestinal infections due to food poisoning, you can try this because it is very good basil to help kill the bad bacteria in the stomach but should not consume excessive because it can lower blood pressure, you can consume basil are mixed in your cooking menu or use a mixture of vegetables.


For those of you who often have digestive disorders more frequently should you eat yogurt because yogurt is a natural antiseptic that is best to cope with the bad bacteria in your stomach besides yogurt is very good for your digestive health.

Aloe Vera

You must have been familiar with aloe vera which is rich in vitamin E and beneficial to help remove toxins caused by the food in your body and fight infection and you can consume aloe vera juice is a way made.
Sugar Palm

This type of sugar is better than other types of sugar because sugar palm is very useful to overcome infections that occur as a result of food poisoning and replace the energy lost as a result of poisoning.


Pomegranate is a fruit that is very good for your health since time immemorial because this fruit is a fruit that can be used as a natural treatment to cure them diarrhea caused by food poisoning.


If you have food poisoning try to drink lots of water so that foods containing these toxins can be quickly neutralized and assist in the process of cleaning the stomach because of the toxins in your stomach.


Natural herb Broken Bones

Most fractures are the result of injury, such as a car accident, sports or from falls.

Fractures occur when power is greater than the bone against bone strength. The type and severity of bone is affected by:

1. The direction, speed and strength of the force against the bone

2. Age of patients

3. Flexibility bone

4. Type bone

With a very light force, brittle bones due to osteoporosis or tumor may have a broken bone.

Natural herb Broken Bones

Before using herbs to glue the broken bone back, it is suggested that the position of the bone has been restored, so that when the bone regenerate cells, there would be no problem.

1. Remedy 1

Turmeric, Ginger, Shallots, Garlic, Leaves Katuk (Sauropus androgynus), leaves Petai China (Leucaena leucocephala).

*) Comparison of all materials 1: 1

How to prepare:

All materials were destroyed.
Boil the water, until the water a bit, do not let dry.

How to use:

Used as param.
Herb is applied in place of fracture, and tied it with a bandage.
Potions replaced 3 days.

2. Dioscorea hispida

Dioscorea hispida 1 fist, peeled and shredded. Squeeze with salt water as needed. Use rubbing the injured part and wrapped with lily leaves 2 times a day.

3. Ginger
3 finger ginger, washed and shredded. Squeeze with lemon grass oil 2 tablespoons oil and 2 tablespoons oil of Calophyllum inophyllum. Wipe this mixture on the injured part and then wrapped with lily leaves 2 times a day.

4. Leaf Kale

1 handful of kale leaves, washed and finely mashed. Squeeze with salt water as needed. Wipe this mixture on the injured part and then wrapped with lily leaves 2 times a day.

5. Euphorbia tirucalli

a. The skin over the fractured bone rubbed with sap.
b. The outer skin of Euphorbia tirucalli limb finely milled, paste over the broken bone, then bandaged.
c. Handheld 3/4 stalks and leaves of the plant, washed and finely ground, Squeeze with 4 tablespoons of salt water, warmed briefly. Used to wipe his broken body parts, then wrapped with lily leaf / bark cottonwoods. Replaced 2 times a day.

6. Recipe 6

willow leaf

white wine

a. Rinse and materials, puree. Add the white wine, then put on top of a broken bone.

b. Make sure the bones are in the correct position (fixed)

7. Recipe 7

Jatropha leaves fresh


white wine

Blend the ingredients, then add the white wine. Stick to the broken bone, and dressing. Make sure the bones are in the correct position (fixed).

8. Prescription 8

30 g of fresh chicken scratch

1-2 Noni

a. Wash all the ingredients, cut into pieces

b. Boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered. Drink 150 cc 2 times a day.


Monday, 20 April 2015

Overcome Fever with Natural Medicinal Plants


Fever is a very difficult situation, especially if the fever experienced by children. As parents of course we would panic, especially if the fever does not go down with the body followed by chills even convulsions.

Relief beginning to overcome the fever is to provide a compress on the head. The use of chemical-based drugs will indeed help quickly, but you should use natural ingredients that do not give an indication of danger. Certainly a lot of plants that can be used for a variety of drugs from an illness, especially fever, and this plant will not be difficult to find.

Some Medicinal Plants To Overcome Fever For Children and Adults

1. Wild Ginger

Curcuma contains active substances such as xanthorrhizol, alpha beta, gemarcrene and much more. Many properties of ginger that has been proven to relieve some diseases, such as fever. In addition, ginger can also be used for drug pennyakit yellow, diarrhea, flatulence, loss of appetite, fatigue, and ulcer. Wild Ginger is useful to improve reproductive and erection bile, besides anti-inflammatory and antibiotic.

2. Young coconut water

The content contained in coconut water contains many minerals and potassium, so it is good to use when the kids or you have a fever. Because, when the fever body will expend a lot of fluid in the form of sweat which serves to lower the body temperature. Thus, coconut water can be useful to replace the sweat coming out.

3. Leaf Hibiscus

The leaves also contain flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, and essential oils, which can serve to reduce the heat caused by fever. Apart from hibiscus leaves, betel leaves can also be used, because the content is almost the same as the betel leaf hibiscus leaves.

4. Onion

Herbs this one contains many essential oils, sikloaliin, metilalin, kaempferol, quercetin and floroglusin very effective for lowering body temperature.

5. Lempuyang
(Zingiber americanas)

This herb is similar to the onion that contains many essential oils that sekuiterpenketon very useful to reduce the heat, which is often used is the rhizome rhizome creamy and tastes bitter.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric contains many essential oils, curcumin, zingiberen and turmeron useful as antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory). In addition, this herb can be used to lower the fever heat and increase the body's immunity, good turmeric used is yellow.

7. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica)

Plant commonly known as the leaves grow young legs creeping ground cover. Green leaves shaped like a fan kidney. This herb contains many saponins, hidrokotin, and velarin useful to reduce the heat, and revitalize the body and blood vessels and tissue structures that strengthen the body. Gotu kola also beneficial cool or refrigerate and add power.


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

How to Treat Lung Wet Natural

Bronchitis or commonly referred to as wet lungs disease is an inflammation of the air passages to the lungs. Light can be classified if the disease is not chronic disease such as lung disease or heart. Bronchitis can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergies, smoke coming out of a strong acid, air pollution, tobacco, etc. Some people say that staying up late into the night outside the home can also be a cause, especially while driving. Similarly, sleep barefoot and often in humid environments

Treating Lung Disease wet Naturally Using Traditional Medicine

1. Ciplukan (P. angulata)

This plant is found in gardens or fields. Discard the fruit, use the other part. Once washed, you can boil it until boiling. Drinking water when cold as much as 3 times a day. Every time you drink 1 cup. Do this until cured.

2. Centella Asiatica
Prepare materials such as Centella asiatica leaves 29 grams and 15 grams of ginger. Thinly sliced two ingredients, then put in 500 cc of water. Boil until the water remaining in the first half. Immediately drink while warm as much as 2 times a day. Do this for 2 weeks, then stopped within 3 days. You can make it again after that.

3. Peanut Leather

Take 27 grams of skin peanuts and brown sugar as needed. Skin peanuts boiled until the water turbid. Strain and add the brown sugar. This traditional herb drink while warm as much as 2 times a day.

4. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Provide 2 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis petals and salt to taste. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis washed, then pounded until smooth. Put it in a glass of water, add salt. Filter when cool. This natural remedy drink every morning, noon and night.


Tips to Treat Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes is one of the many diseases that are caused and influenced by the type of food that goes into our bodies. Diabetes is caused by too much sugar contained in the food that goes into your body so that the hormone insulin that is present in the kidneys can not withstand excessive sugar levels so that the sugars will also flow into the exhaust system.

On this page I will discuss about Natural Ways to Treat Diabetes which hopefully can help you either have diabetes or not exposed to diabetes.

1. Leaves Bitter

Bitter leaf is also very efficacious for treating the symptoms of diabetes naturally, because it has a bitter leaf androgapholide compounds, this compound is quite bitter but can protect the liver in addition to the bitter leaf is also able to lower the CDK4 enzyme that is able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, but it is also useful bitter leaf for keeping the immune system, it is highly recommended that diabetics use this bitter leaf. how to use it was easy enough:


     bitter leaf of 7 pieces
    Orthosiphon aristatus (total 7 pieces
     Tinospora crispa rods 6cm

How to make

     Rinse and materials that have been prepared and then cut into pieces
     Boil these materials into three glasses of water, and leaving up to two cups of water
     Regularly drink the potion by 2 glasses a day
     It is recommended to drink the potion after eating

2 .Momordica charantia

Momordica charantia can be used to prevent the arrival of diabetes because of the natural ingredients that one can nourish the liver cells and also strengthen the hormone insulin that is in our bodies and can improve and also build pancreatic beta cells contained in our hearts so that protection against diabetes increases. For how to create a diabetes drug use Momordica charantia was fairly easy, check it out:


     prepare two Momordica charantia
     1 cup water

How to make:

     Momordica charantia mixed into the water
     then squeeze the Momordica charantia to remove the water
     Momordica charantia drinking water on a regular basis every day

3. Noni Fruit

Fruit that has a unique shape can be utilized to treat and also preventing diabetes because this fruit contains a lot of minerals and other nutrients are also useful for the growth of insulin you so much smaller risk of developing diabetes. Therefore you can consume noni fruit was eaten on a daily basis either directly or processed into many types such as juice, and others. For how to make traditional medicine of noni following way:


     Prepare two ripe noni fruit wash

How to make:

     Grate Noni
     then squeeze the water and put in a glass
     The noni drink water 2 times a day on a regular basis

4. Beans

It turns out the types of vegetables that are typical with this elongated shape can help you in preventing the disease to diabetes. Besides the delicious taste if processed into various processed food, as I said above that the bean can be used to prevent diabetes because these natural products contain many nutrients and other substances that can reduce levels of sugar found in your body. If you frequently consume beans diabetes symptoms that you are experiencing will gradually improved

5. Ginseng

This natural ingredient has many benefits, especially to restore the body's energy in order to become more healthy, but besides that ginseng can also be used to prevent diabetes affects the body, as ginseng may lower the high sugar levels back to normal.

6. Syzygium cumini seeds

Prepare materials in the form of 13 Syzygium cumini seeds and 2 cups water. Syzygium cumini seeds until finely ground, then boiled in 2 cups of water. Allow up the remaining 1 cup of water alone. Strain the mixture, drink 3 times a day.

7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has the ability to inhibit free radicals which are harmful to the body. Add cinnamon to your cooking, to obtain benefits

8. Garlic

Thought to have antioxidant properties and micro-circulatory effects. And several studies have been conducted related to garlic with insulin and blood glucose levels, the result is positive. Garlic can cause a decrease in blood glucose, increase insulin secretion and slow degradation.

9. Bauhinia Forficata and Myrcia Uniflora

Bauhinia forficata grown in South America, and is used in herbal medicine diabetes in Brazil. Myrcia uniflora also widely used in South America.

10. Coccinia indica

It grows wild throughout the Indian subcontinent. Traditionally used in the treatment ayurverdic, the herb has been found to contain insulin-mimetic properties (ie; mimic the function of insulin).

11. Ficus Carica  Leaf

Known as diabetes drugs in Spain and south-western Europe, but the active component is unknown. Several animal studies indicate that the leaves of Ficus Carica facilitate the absorption of glucose.

12. Opuntia streptacantha (noval)

Commonly known as prickly-pear cactus in arid regions where it is grown. Mexico desert residents have been using these traditional crops to control blood sugar levels. Intestinal glucose absorption can be affected by several properties of the plant, and animal studies have found a significant reduction in postprandial glucose and HbA1c.

13. Silybum Marianum

Is a member of the aster family. Silybum marianum contains high concentrations of flavanoids and antioxidants, some of which may have beneficial effects on insulin resistance.

14. Vinca rosea

Traditional medicinal herb diabetes above it has been used for centuries as a natural way to control blood glucose levels


The natural way to cope with low blood pressure

Low blood pressure, or also known as hypotension, is a condition where a person's blood pressure is very low or below normal blood pressure (120/80 mmHg), causing symptoms such as dizziness, easy fainting, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, blurred vision , palpitations, fever, and moist skin (sweating). People who are considered to be suffering from low blood pressure or hipotesi if their blood pressure is consistently remained around 90/60 mm Hg or lower. And, when the blood pressure becomes lower again, can lead to insufficient blood flow to reach out to the maximum to organs such as the brain, kidneys, and liver. Hypotension if not immediately handled can also be very dangerous, even life-threatening.

Well, now clearly different from both. Thus, we will be able to take appropriate action steps to address them.

Here is the solution for treating low blood pressure the natural way

Salt Water

Salt water helps overcome low blood pressure due to sodium in salt increases blood pressure. Do not overdo it, because the excess salt is unhealthy. Quite simply by mixing half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of water and drink it. You can also drink energy drinks.


Thick pure coffee or caffeinated beverages can also increase blood pressure. If you frequently suffer from low blood pressure, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, especially with orthostatic hypotension. But, do not get used to drink coffee as well as long-term effects of caffeine is not good.

Raisins are also considered to be very good for treating impotence naturally. Soak 30 to 40 raisins into a cup of lukewarm water overnight.
Eating in the morning one by one on an empty stomach. Do this for a few weeks or a month.


Basil is useful to help cope with low blood pressure, because it is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and pantothenic acid. In addition, basil can help balance the mind and reduce stress.

Make juice from 10 to 15 leaves of basil, and also add a teaspoon of honey. Drink this juice every day on an empty stomach.

Another way is simply to chew 4-5 basil leaves every day in the morning.

Licorice root

Licorice root is a popular natural remedy to normalize the low blood pressure condition caused by low levels of the hormone cortisol. It will produce enzymes that will break down cortisol and adrenaline to support the healthy function. It is also effective to cure chronic fatigue syndrome.

You can make licorice tea to brew one teaspoon of licorice (dried or powdered) with a cup of boiling water for about five minutes. You can drink it every day for several days. Or also can drink approximately 400-500 mg of licorice root capsules for a few days.

Beet juice

Raw beet juice is very helpful for high blood pressure or low blood pressure. For hypotension, drink a cup of beet juice twice a day for about a week. It is a traditional medicine to overcome low blood pressure

Rosemary is also believed to be useful to normalize the blood pressure is low, as it will stimulate the central nervous system and improves blood circulation. It requires 10 ml of tincture of rosemary per day. You just simply add 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil into the food / drinks.

Lime Juice

Lemon juice is very effective for treating high blood pressure, also can be used to lower blood pressure, especially when caused by dehydration. In such cases, you can drink lemon juice mixed with a little salt and sugar. It will help provide energy for your body, by stimulating the liver function and help the digestive system. A glass of sugarcane juice mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice and salt.

Carrot juice

Make fresh carrot juice, then add two tablespoons of honey.
Drink twice a day (on an empty stomach in the morning and at night). It would also greatly help to increase your blood pressure low.


Monday, 13 April 2015

8 Plant Anti Hypertension

When we talk about high blood pressure disease, of course closely related to blood vessel health problems, because hypertension is caused by problems in the vascular system such as: the presence of hardening and blockage of the arteries that will lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels, this will have an impact on the heart has to work extra hard in order to blood being pumped up in the blood vessels

 For patients with hypertension who require the use of drugs to lower blood pressure to return to normal or controlled. Antihypertensive drug intake continuous chemical is also not good for health because there may be adverse effects on drug use in the long term.
Therefore, it is advisable to try drugs non-chemical alternatives that are found from nature.
Some natural remedies that abortion can reduce and even cure diseases Hypertension, if consumed properly and regularly, including:

 1.Daun Salam (Syzygium polyanthum)
Efficacy: lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, lowering blood sugar
high blood pressure.

How To Use:

1. Take a fresh bay leaves of approximately 10 sheets.
2. Syzygium polyanthum washed, then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. After a cold, filtered water and drink well at night. Perform routine every day to get satisfactory results.

  2. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)
Benefits: normalize blood pressure, high cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis.

Seaweed is the most popular wakame, which is often used in miso soup. There are also kombu and nori, which is easily found in supermarkets. You can process them into a delicious meal in the daily diet to keep the heart healthy and lowering and normalize blood pressure.

 3. Cucumber
Benefits: high levels of potassium minerals useful for reducing high blood pressure, as well as useful also to reduce kidney stones. how can use in direct consumption (as fresh vegetables), or for the juice, may also be added with other fruits, provided that the composition of cucumber more than any other fruit.

 4. Cantaloupe

Benefits: Same as the cucumber is rich in potassium, both to reduce high blood pressure and also good for kidney problems / bladder
Some fruits / plants that have the same content with cucumber / melon: peaches or peach, strawberries, raspberries, turnip leaves and wheat grass.

5. Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)

Efficacy: lowering high cholesterol, high blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels

Choose ripe noni fruit and take the water by means of a blender. Then noni water mixed with honey and drink every morning before breakfast.

6. Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb

Effect: circulation and dilute blood clot, neutralize toxins
in the body.

- 30 g of leaves of Gynura divaricata
- 25 grams of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb
- 2 flowers shelled / Siantan
- 2 rosebud

How to dispensing Potion:
Boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, strain and drink the water. do 2 times a day until at get satisfactory results.

7. Garlic

Efficacy: lowering high blood pressure and high cholesterol, destroying blood clots

How To Use:
Take 3 cloves fresh garlic, then peel and wash them clean, mash until smooth and then squeezed with plus enough water, then drink the water. quite done 3 times 1 day

8. Onions
Benefits: Having the same efficacy with garlic. easy way, take a clove of onions, cleaned and peeled, then sliced and eaten with bread or rice. This habit of routinely done 2 times a day.
