Monday, 17 August 2015

Benefits of Coconut Water for Health

Coconut water is obtained from inside young coconuts. The water actually is the forerunner of the contents of the white coconut. In addition to delicious consumed in hot weather or moderate sweating, coconut water can also be consumed when someone is losing a lot of fluid from diarrhea. Coconut water can be an alternative of water to hydrate the body back.

Various benefits of coconut water:

  1. Coconut water contains sugars and electrolytes that can freshen naturally. Each 30 ml coconut milk contains only 5.45 calories and 1.3 grams of sugar.
  2. Help meet the needs of minerals and nutrients that the body needs. Each 30 ml coconut water also contains 61 mg of potassium and 5.45 mg sodium. In addition, coconut water also contains vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.
  3. According to the study, the benefits of coconut water can replace body fluids quickly. Besides proven ability better than plain water or sports drinks.

How Total Consumption Exactly?

coconut water consumption is common in tropical countries. Coconut water sold mixed with natural flavors or other ingredients. So how much should consume coconut water?

Coconut water as a beverage daily may be considered as a fruit juice. Should consume enough about one glass per day. Although relatively healthy, one thing to remember is coconut water still contains calories. If your consumption of coconut water every day about 236 ml per day, then you have to calculate the extra 45-60 calories. If then, the extra calories from coconut water that is not used by the body, it can increase body weight about 2 kg per year.

Possibility of Side Effects

Pregnant women in Indonesia are often advised to consume coconut water because it is considered beneficial. But it can not be proven scientifically. Pregnant and lactating women should be cautious in consuming coconut water. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Coconut water also has the possibility of lowering blood pressure, and increase the effects of high blood pressure medications. Which also need to watch out for is the coconut water can interfere with blood pressure during and after surgery. Should avoid the consumption of coconut water two weeks before the scheduled surgery.

Now not only is obtained from fresh fruit, coconut water has many served in the packaging. Do not forget to read the label on the package before buying. If you drink coconut water, make sure the amount the body needs and not excessive. For those of you who have certain health conditions, consult your doctor before taking the coconut water.


Thursday, 13 August 2015

Benefits of Dates

Dates are a type of plant palm (palm) or the Latin language known as phonex dactylifer fruitful and be eaten, either in raw or cooked state.

Based on the research of scientists, dates rich in protein, fiber sugars, vitamins A and C and minerals such as iron, calcium, sodium and potassium. The protein content in the palm of 1.8 - 2.0 percent, as much fiber 2.0 - 4.0 per cent and sugar by 50-70 percent glucose.

As research conducted World Health Organization (WHO), the sugars that are in contrast to the palm sugar in other fruits such as sugar cane or sugar commonly contain sucrose where the substance was directly absorbed into the body.

This makes sugar that must be solved in advance by enzymes before it turns into glucose. Instead, the dates do not require such a process.

The benefits and efficacy of dates, namely:
  1. Tamr (dry dates) to strengthen the intestinal cells and can help to expedite the urinary tract because it contains fibers in charge of controlling the rate of bowel movements and strengthen the uterus, especially when giving birth.
  2. Ruthab (wet dates) have the effect of controlling the rate of motion of the uterus and increase systolenya period (contraction of the heart when blood is pumped into the arteries).
  3. Potassium in the palm is useful for troubleshooting stress, constipation and muscle weakness. Not only that, thanks to the iron and calcium is there in dates, people will avoid high-risk diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
  4. When eaten by children, then the palm give efficacy remedy educate their brains.


Wednesday, 24 June 2015

coriander benefits for health

picture by google image

We already no stranger to hear the word coriander. Plant herbs that have a Latin name Coriandrum sativum has a small fruit. After drying, the fruit becomes merchandise. Coriander is used as a drug known as Fructus coriandri.
The use of coriander can be done in various ways, such as finely ground and boiled, either for treatment outside, and inside. Benefits of coriander is taken from the leaves, seeds, and fruit.

Lower cholesterol

Coriander contains a number of acidic compounds, namely linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and ascorbic acid. The compounds were known to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and may be able to reduce cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins.

overcome anemia

The content of iron in the coriander can help overcome anemia

Helps the digestive system

The content of essential oil of coriander can help the process of secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, stimulates digestion by increasing the peristaltic movements in the digestive tract, and to overcome anorexia.

overcome swelling

Cineole, one of the 11 components of the essential oil and linoleic acid found in coriander, has antirheumatic properties and anti-artriti. Thus, coriander can be used to treat swelling caused by rheumatism and arthritis.

overcome diarrhea

Components borneol and linalool in coriander helps digestion, improve liver function, and help the process of binding the mass of feces in the intestine. Other components such as cineol, limonene, alpha-pinene and beta-phelandrene have antibacterial activity so efficacious in treating diarrhea caused by bacteria.

Keep your menstrual cycle

Coriander can naturally stimulate and help regularity hormone secretion from endocrine glands, making it useful in keeping the menstrual regularity and reduce the pain that may arise.

Reduce blood sugar levels

Cumin stimulatory effect on the endocrine glands will increase the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Thus, the modified sugar glycogen, so that high blood sugar levels can go down to normal levels.

Protect your heart

Coriander can be overcome inflammation, seizures, expectorant, protect the liver, anti-carcinogenic, anti-anticonvulsants, antihistamines, and hypnotics. In addition, coriander can also act as a natural aphrodisiac when combined with other herbs.


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Lemongrass Many Benefits for Health

picture by google image

The use of lemongrass or Lemongrass scent is usually for food and as a flavoring. The question, if only the benefit of this Lemongrass?

Lemongrass or the Latin language called Andropogon nardus this turned out to save a lot of benefits for human health.

In some studies, lemongrass leaves it contains an anti-microbial and anti-bacterial are particularly useful for treating infections of the stomach, intestines, bladder, and heal wounds. Not only that, Lemongrass is also widely used for relief of spasms, anti-rheumatic, and is a diuretic.

In addition, the content of analgesics in Lemongrass also can play a role to help relieve the pain of headaches, muscle aches and joint pain. Later, Lemongrass also many believed to cure various diseases such as skin infections, typhoid, food poisoning, and also relieve body odor.

In Lemongrass, there are many compounds such as butyrate geranil, lomonen, eugenol, metileugenol, geranial that are beneficial to health. For more details, related to the function Serai very nutritious for health.

1. lemongrass prevent cancer
There is research that explains that every 100 grams of lemongrass contains antioxidants that we know is useful to prevent the occurrence of cancer. Then, the research conducted by a team from Gurion University in Israel have found that there are compounds in lemongrass can kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

2. Treat indigestion
Lemongrass is very useful to overcome indigestion, abdominal pain, colds, reduces intestinal gas, and diarrhea.

3. Lowering blood pressure
Lemongrass is also widely used to reduce blood pressure and stimulates blood circulation. By consuming a drink containing lemongrass every day it will be very helpful in reducing hypertension.

4. Detoxification
Lemongrass is also very good to detoxify the body by increasing the amount of urination. It is certainly very useful to make the entire digestive organs such as the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and also clean and healthy due to a variety of toxins will be eliminated.

5. Benefits of the nervous system
Lemongrass essential oil containing also be useful to strengthen and improve the functioning of the nervous system. This was due to the lemongrass oil will give effect warms, relaxes muscles, and relieve spasms.

6. Serves as an analgesic
Lemongrass also can relieve all kinds of inflammation and irritability that you are suffering associated with aches and pains such as joint pain, muscle pain, tooth pain, and others.

7. Beautify Skin
The use of lemongrass leaves also have occurred in the field of cosmetics that are used to beautify the skin. The effects of the use of cosmetics containing lemongrass leaves are able to eliminate acne and also serves as a refresher.

8. Women's health
Lemongrass is also usually used by women to relieve pain when the onset of menstruation and relieve nausea.

9. Anemia
Iron contained in the leaves of lemongrass essential untu ksintesis hemoglobin (a protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body). lemongrass can help to various types of anemia, primarily resulting from a lack of iron.

10. As oil warmers

Lemongrass contains essential oils that can help in making balsamic action which can be used in problems in the respiratory tract. In general, lemongrass leaves can be used to relieve symptoms associated with flu and fever cold as well as the benefits of ginger to warm the body.

11. Reduce cholesterol

Lemongrass leaf has anti-cholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis, both of which help reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the gut, as well as the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the blood, thus preventing one of the initial process in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

12. Rheumatism

Lemongrass effectively used to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by arthritis. Lemongrass can be applied to the waist and the affected part due to rheumatism or sprains

Monday, 22 June 2015

Boesenbergia rotunda For Health Benefits

Boesenbergia rotunda image by google

Boesenbergia rotunda is one of the plants that fall into the category of spices. Plants are still relative to the Zingiberaceae in general also has a property that is not less powerful than the other Zingiberaceae.

Boesenbergia rotunda is a type of herb, this is certainly due to the properties and chemical content contained in these plants is believed to be capable of treating different types of diseases that are suffered, in chemistry Boesenbergia rotunda contained volatile oil content as cineol, camphor, d-borneol, d-pinene seskuiterpene, zingiberen, curcumin, zedoarin and starch.

Here Boesenbergia rotunda For Health Benefits:

1. Drug colds,
15 grams Boesenbergia rotunda, 1 teaspoon of Foeniculum vulgare, and two fingers Alyxia stellata, pulverized and then rubbed on the abdomen, do 1 to 2 times a day. Overcome flatulence, 5 grams Boesenbergia rotunda, leaves Boesenbergia rotunda, until finely ground and then placed on the abdomen as a poultice.

2. It is difficult urination,
Boesenbergia rotunda, Foeniculum vulgare, and Alyxia stellate pulverized and then used as a poultice or thick powder attached to the abdomen. Overcoming itching, Boesenbergia rotunda 10 grams, 5 grams of Curcuma xanthorrhiza, 15 grams of turmeric, and 15 grams of crushed dried leaves of Senna alata and then smeared on the sick body.

3. As a remedy vaginal discharge,
10 grams Boesenbergia rotunda, 5 grams of turmeric, Curcuma xanthorrhiza 5 grams, and 15 grams of Andrographis paniculata, boiled with 1,000 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc. Then filtered and drunk as much as 200 cc, done twice a day.

4. Drug heat in,
10 grams Boesenbergia rotunda were cut, 25 grams of fresh leaves of Orthosiphon aristatus, and 20 grams of fresh leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata, boiled with water until the remaining 800 cc to 400 cc. Potion filtered and drunk as much as 200 cc, do twice a day. Overcoming tuberculosis, 15 grams Boesenbergia rotunda and 4 grams of Areca catechu seeds crushed and then added 200 cc boiled water, then filtered and drunk.

5. Stamina Enhancer
Combine four Boesenbergia rotunda rhizomes size of a finger with 500 grams of Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Once crushed, mixed with water, then squeeze. In order not too bland, the juice can add a little honey, drink a glass a day.

6. Incentives ASI
Take 20 grams of Boesenbergia rotunda (approximately 6 rhizome), cut into small pieces, boiled with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. Add salt to taste. After chilling filtered and drunk.

7. Clean series after childbirth
The trick, mix 4 rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza size of a finger with 50 g of Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Then ground and mixed with water to take the juice. In order not be too bland can add a little honey, and then drink a glass every day.

Consumption of herbal medicine is recommended Boesenbergia rotunda first week postpartum. Benefits Boesenbergia rotunda can restore the body's stamina and fitness, such as starch, saponins and flavonoids.

8. Antimicrobials
To prove the health benefits, Boesenbergia rotunda has drawn attention to the academic circles in the country to do more research. Among the extracts tested against key meeting as an antimicrobial.


Thursday, 18 June 2015

Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) For Health Benefits

Curcuma xanthorrhiza image by google image

Health benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza to the body, the liver, heart and kidneys did not doubt, has been since the days of the ancestors of ginger is widely used as a herbal medicine. Curcuma long as it's been known as a medicinal herb native to Indonesia is very good for health.

The part that is widely used is also often called the root or rhizome. These roots are processed into herbal medicine, way of processing is also different. Here are some benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza plants are good for health and it is important for you to know:

1. Maintain a healthy heart

Benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza is very good for heart health, where liver function can be maintained his health by consuming Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Curcuma xanthorrhiza is excellent for keeping or maintaining liver health, because Curcuma xanthorrhiza contains katagoga. Katagoga is what helps the liver to produce bile and also give incentives to vacate the bile.

2. Reduce arthritis

Wild Curcuma xanthorrhiza also contains curcumin which is good for your health, particularly for reducing arthritis.

3. Lowering blood fats

Health benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza for the next body that Curcuma xanthorrhiza can reduce blood fat.Curcuma xanthorrhiza extract and also produces kurkuminoid fraction, is beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels.

4. Overcoming ulcer disease

To overcome ulcer disease, prepare Curcuma xanthorrhiza 1 rhizome. Rinse and remove the skin, sliced into thin then boiled with water as much as 5 cups. After boiling, let stand until cool and then drink the water regularly.

5. Digestion

If you have digestive problems such as bloating or colds you can easily solve by using Curcuma xanthorrhiza. The way is easy, that is by consuming Curcuma xanthorrhiza every day routine.

6. Healthy heart

Curcuma xanthorrhiza or also called Curcuma also has benefits for cardiovascular health. Curcuma xanthorrhiza benefits for heart health is certainly not in doubt. Wild Curcuma xanthorrhiza does have a good content for your body's health, not least to maintain the health of your heart.

7. Coping with cancer

Curcuma xanthorrhiza are believed to inhibit the development or growth of prostate cancer, where the way it works is by stopping the blood that supports the growth of cancer.

8. Overcoming kidney disorders

Benefits of Curcuma xanthorrhiza for kidney health is also no doubt, by consuming Curcuma xanthorrhiza regularly it happens renal impairment may be overcome with good. The trick is to prepare as much as 2 turmeric rhizome, leaves orthosiphon aristatus 1 handheld, 1 handful of leaves Phyllanthus urinary and rock sugar.

Rinse all the ingredients except the sugar cubes, thinly sliced Curcuma xanthorrhiza. Mix all the ingredients and then boiled with water approximately 1000ml. After boiling wait until the water is left only in half, remove and strain the water. Use water to drink regularly every day.


Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb benefits for health

Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb/ google image

Plants that have a scientific name Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb still in the plant family Poaceae. Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb usually mostly found growing wild in the teak forests, meadows, fields, or on the land of tropical highlands at an altitude of 400-750 meters DPL. Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb reproduce by means of sprouted through an old rhizome.

Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb can be used to cure skin diseases, rashes or old wounds. Efficacy of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb other is to help increase appetite. How to take advantage of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb for treatment: grated rhizome of Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb, add a little boiled water and then wring it out and drink the water.

Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb can also be boiled with water, then boiled water before drinking to help treat heartburn in the stomach, to peluruh colds, and can be used as a blood purifier medicine after childbirth.


Monday, 25 May 2015

Turmeric For Health Benefits

photo: google image

Saffron or turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn. Syn Curcuma domestica Val.), Is one of spices and medicinal plants native to the Southeast Asian region. These plants then have spread to areas of Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa.

Benefits of Turmeric For Health

Due to the nature of the compounds they contain, turmeric used as a traditional medicine to cure various diseases or as a herbal medicine for maintaining a healthy body. Here are the benefits of turmeric for health:

1. Turmeric is useful as an antiseptic and antibacterial natural, useful in treating wounds or burns.

2. When combined with cauliflower, turmeric proven to prevent and stop the growth of prostate cancer.

3. Turmeric can treat diarrhea.

4. Turmeric can prevent melanoma (malignant tumor) and can kill melanoma cells in the body.

5. Turmeric is beneficial in reducing the risk of leukemia.

6. Turmeric can help in detoxification of toxic compounds in the liver.

7. Turmeric can prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing the slab amyloid buildup in the brain.

8. Turmeric can prevent metastasis, the spread of cancer from the first (initial) to other places in the body.

9. Turmeric is beneficial as a natural anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects. Because of its anti-inflammatory, turmeric is often used in treating inflammation of the joints such as arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

10. Turmeric may slow the progression of multiple sclerosis (multiple sclerosis, which is a disorder sumsusm inflammation of the brain and spinal cord).

11. Turmeric can be used as a natural painkillers.

12. Turmeric can help the process of fat metabolism and helps in maintaining body weight.

13. Turmeric has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.

14. Turmeric has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.

15. Turmeric can accelerate wound healing and helps in repairing damaged skin.

16. Turmeric Can help in the treatment of psoriasis (an autoimmune disease of the skin) and skin that is inflamed.

Turmeric Recipes For Multi-Drug

There are some suggestions for eating turmeric in the home, namely by boiling turmeric and coupled with some other herbs according to the disease who want to be treated. Here are some examples:

1. Treating Fever: Turmeric is washed (20g), grated, coupled with 100ml boiled water, squeezed with a filter cloth. Water is taken 2 times a day.

2. Treating Diarrhea: saffron sliced, boiled with water, add 1 teaspoon of water whiting, stirring until smooth. Refrigerate. Sieve water is taken 3 times a day until healed.

3. Treat Ulcers: grated turmeric for the thumb, plus a teaspoon of water whiting and juice 1 lime water, stirring until smooth. Apply the mixture on the affected body part.

4. Treating Itching (chickenpox): a piece of turmeric, tamarind leaves a handful of washed, blended until smooth like porridge. Apply on the body that itch.

5. Treating Whitish: Turmeric old (15g) peeled and grated. 150ml water plus acid and sugar, stir well. Squeeze the cloth, and drink every day.

6. Treating Tonsillitis: half finger turmeric grated, plus 2 tablespoons water, stirring until smooth, squeeze and take the water. Add 1 chicken egg yolk and a little water whiting. Beat the dough, drink 1 to 2 times a day.

7. Treat Gingivitis: half thumb turmeric and 3 pieces of gambier sliced. Boil 2 cups of water so that the remaining 1 cup. Use water to rinse 3 to 4 times a day.

8. Treat Late menstruation: turmeric and leaves srigading (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) (15g), nutmeg and cardamom (10g), coriander, black cumin and cloves (5g). Boil these ingredients with 3 cups of water so that the remaining 1 cup. Cool, strain, divided into three sections to be taken 3 times a day.

9. skin and general health (herbal medicine): 100g fresh turmeric rhizome, 100 ml lemon juice, 11/2 tablespoons of honey and water. Saffron mashed in a blender, mix the turmeric paste with honey and lime juice. Add water as needed. Drink regularly.


White Turmeric For Health Benefits


Have you heard of this spice called turmeric? Behind shape is not known, it turns turmeric has an excellent variety of benefits for the health of our bodies. Turmeric is composed of two types, regular turmeric yellow and some white turmeric white. White turmeric commonly used to treat stomach aches and skin that bruises. It turns out other than as herbs, white turmeric can also be used to treat a variety of chronic diseases such as cancer and tumors.

White turmeric benefits is very much, and below are some of the properties of white turmeric million for the health of our bodies:

1. Help cure colds.
2. Cure abdominal pain.
3. Eliminate skin bruises due to injuries.
4. Curing cancer.
5. Helps to cure the tumor.
6. Prevent damage to genes.
7. Helps reduce weight, it is suitable for those of you who are on a diet.
8. Increased appetite.
9. Smooth urine.
10. Cure asthma and shortness of breath.
11. Being able to stop the bleeding.
12. As a source of natural antioxidants.
13. Helps stimulate red blood cell production.
14. Refreshes skin.
15. Healthy weight naturally.

cassava for health benefits


Energy source
Cassava is low in fat and 0 cholesterol, but it is quite high in calories, almost double the calories than the potato. This is probably the highest of any rich tropical tuber starch. 100 g cassava provides 160 calories, mainly derived from sucrose that make up most of the sugar in the tubers, which in total account for more than 69% of total sugar. Other amylose complex sugars is the main carbohydrate source that is about 16-17%. Thus, cassava could be an alternative to rice as food to get enough energy for our bodies.

Containing Fiber
Eating foods high in fiber would be very beneficial for health, such as lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and aid in digestion. Low in fat and cholesterol, which coupled with the fiber, making cassava is also good to prevent the risk of obesity.

Cassava is very low in fat, protein also lower when compared with cereals and legumes. Nonetheless, this cheap food contains more protein, when compared with other food sources such as cassava, potato, banana, etc. The highest protein is mainly present in cassava leaves are also high in health benefits.

As with any other tubers, cassava is also gluten-free. Gluten-free cassava starch is used as a special diet for patients with celiac disease and autism.

Sources of vitamin K
Vitamin K plays a role in building bone mass potential by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone. Moreover, this vitamin is also useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

Sources of vitamin B
Cassava is a pretty good source of several B-complex vitamins, such as folate, thiamin, pyridoxine (vitamin B - 6), riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. Vitamin B Complex is an essential vitamin that must be obtained daily from food, which is very important for overall health.

Magnesium and Copper
Cassava meal will help you to get the intake of magnesium and copper more. Diet foods rich in magnesium will improve the lifelong health, lowers blood pressure, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Another important mineral that can be obtained from eating cassava is manganese, iron, and zinc.

High Potassium
In addition, cassava also provide a good enough potassium (271 mg per 100g, or 6% of the daily requirement). Potassium is an important compound of cell and body fluids that are useful to help regulate heart rate and blood pressure.


Tuesday, 19 May 2015

health benefits of sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are often encountered as the food consumed as snacks. Sweet potatoes are also easily found in the market of traditional or modern market, due to its cultivation is not very difficult. The sweet potato is a source of calorie foods such as potato benefits, the benefits of cassava and maize benefits are worthy of being the staple food.

Here are the benefits of sweet potatoes for health:

1. Preventing Diabetes

Sweet potatoes are considered to contain low glycemic index and a recent study showed sweet potato can reduce blood sugar and insulin resistance in diabetics. Fiber in sweet potatoes make a big difference as well. Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume a diet high in fiber, have increased blood sugar, lipid and insulin levels. One medium sweet potato provides about 6 grams of fiber.

2. Reduce Blood Pressure

Maintaining a low sodium intake is very important for lowering blood pressure, but increasing the intake of potassium may be as important. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, less than 2% of US adults meet the daily recommendations of potassium is 4,700 mg.3 One sweet potato provides about 542 milligrams. High potassium intake was associated with a 20% reduction in risk of death from high blood pressure.

3. Affect Fertility

For women who are still fertile, consume more iron from plant sources can affect fertility, according to Harvard Health Publications Harvard Medical School. Vitamin A in the sweet potato (consumed as beta-carotene, and then converted to vitamin A in the body) is also important during pregnancy and breastfeeding for the synthesis of hormones.

4. Boost Immunity

Plant foods such as sweet potatoes are high in vitamin C and beta-carotene offer improved immune from their powerful combination of nutrients. The content of vitamin C in sweet potatoes, prevents diseases that come through viruses like flu.

5. Inflammation

Choline is a nutrient that is very important and versatile in sweet potatoes to help sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cell membranes, helps in the transmission of nerve impulses, helps in the absorption of fats and reducing inflammation. In a study published by the Journal of Medicinal Food, purple sweet potato extract was found to have anti-inflammatory effects and positive antilipogenic.

6. maintain eye health
According to Duke ophthalmologist Jill Koury, MD, a deficiency of vitamin A can cause eye photoreceptor outer segments deteriorated, damaging normal vision. Correct deficiencies in vitamin A with foods high in beta carotene will restore the ability of vision.

Of the various records, vitamins C and E in the sweet potato has been shown to support eye health and prevent degenerative damage. High intake of various types of benefits of fruits (3 servings or more per day) have also been shown to reduce the risk and the development of age-related macular degeneration.

7. Healthy Digestion

High in fiber helps prevent constipation sweet potatoes and make a healthy digestive tract.

8. Source of Energy

The content of important minerals are iron and magnesium increase in energy needs to move. In the iron also stimulates the production of red blood cells for the body.


jengkol benefits (Archidendron pauciflorum) for health

Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) is a food that many people and too many people who hate it. jengkol distinctive smell (Archidendron pauciflorum) sometimes make a person uncomfortable. jengkol smell (Archidendron pauciflorum) will appear on bad breath and also in the urine.

Of course by smelling urine jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) will make the bathroom or toilet you become malodorous. Behind the pungent smell, apparently saved the benefits jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) outstanding.


Constipation is too often would endanger the health of the body due to constipation can lead to colon cancer. Benefits of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) can be obtained by consuming jengkol directly.
Another benefit of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) is to prevent anemia. The disease occurs due to iron deficiency. Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) contain enough iron as high as 4.7 grams per 100 g jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum). Benefits jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) for diabetes because substances in jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) can make the sugar content in the blood can be dropped in a timely manner.


Of course, how to lower blood sugar by consuming jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) must be balanced with a healthy lifestyle. One is by reducing foods that have a high content of sugars. If you are a fan of sweet drinks and foods, then you can replace it with corn sugar. With a healthy lifestyle, then the benefits of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) can be optimized.

Benefits jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) for the heart because of the high mineral content in the heart. Types of coronary heart disease was the one that can be overcome by consuming jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum). Coronary heart disease occurs because of the narrowing of blood vessels.

The narrowing of the course will make the flow of blood to the heart becomes not smooth. Mineral content in jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) will make the blood vessels narrowed back. Benefits of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) The course can be obtained by treating not overcook

Pregnant Mother

Benefits jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) for pregnant women that is very good for bone growth in the fetus and can also prevent constipation. The content of calcium in jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) is quite high. Calcium is essential for bone growth, including bone in the fetus. In addition to calcium, fiber content in jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) is also very high.

Pregnant women will more often suffer from constipation. Thus, by consuming jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum), then pregnant women will avoid constipation. Jengkol benefits for pregnant should limit their consumption of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum). Thus, you also will be spared from the negative effects of jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum).

Distended Stomach
Fiber can smooth bowel movement, and can indirectly help streamline distended abdomen due to difficult bowel movements. Because it also jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) is used as a powerful laxative ingredient other than apples.

Parkia speciosa benefits for health

For some people pete (Peuteuy) might be one of the food stay away, do not know because of the smell or taste. but who would have thought pete (Peuteuy) that many fans have had tremendous benefits. Peuteuy in Latin language mlanding (Parkia speciosa) is a tree of a tropical annual leguminous pods rate (fabaceaee), banana-petaian (mimosoidae). pete (Peuteuy) commencing plant nuts.

Parkia speciosa fruit benefits for health:

1. avoid depression
according to a survey that was done mind, among patients with depressed patients, so more and more people are better after eating Parkia speciosa. This subject took place due to Parkia speciosa contains tryptophhan, a protein that in exchange for the body so serotonin, which makes consuming relax, make improvements in mood.

2. Pms (pre menstrual syndrome)
when a natural or bad mood pms menstrual period, quite handle with eating Parkia speciosa. vit. b6 which in bladder Parkia speciosa regulate blood sugar content which could help the mood.

3. Avoiding anemia
with a high iron content, Parkia speciosa can stimulate red blood cell production and help if it lasts anemia.

4. Fight High Blood Pressure
tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium, yet low in salt until very excellent combat blood pressure. so high, until fda american speciosa Parkia plantation permit to do the official claims about the power of this fruit while lowering blood pressure and stroke effect.

5. Encourage brain power
200 students of English at Twickenham (Middlesex), English, helped in the school exam regarding eating Parkia speciosa at breakfast, break and lunch. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist studies help students more alert.

6. Benefits of Parkia speciosa to guard the digestive tract
seat content (dietary fibers) high Parkia speciosa make very good for the digestive tract. Parkia speciosa used as food to keep the digestion due to its structure which is soft and smooth. This fruit also can neutralize stomach acid and reduce irritation by coating the lining in the stomach.

7. Hangovers
in between a very fast way to treat motion sickness is Parkia speciosa milkshake, sweetened with honey. Parkia speciosa can help soothe the stomach and with the help of the honey can increase blood sugar falls, but can milk soothes and re-do the repair fluid content in the body.

8. Reduce satiety
  Parkia speciosa have a natural antacid effect in the body, to feel the heat when the chest is caused mostly eating, try eating Parkia speciosa to reduce the pain.

9. Avoid morning sickness
Parkia speciosa eat between meals can help keep sugar content and avoid vomiting.

10. Handle itchy mosquito bites
before reaching the current mosquito bite cream, try rubbing the affected place with a bite in the section Parkia speciosa skin. many people successfully overcome the itching and swelling in this way.

11. Benefits of Parkia speciosa to avoid obesity
Research at the institute of psychology, austria get that pressure on working time more people are reaching on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. with sample 5. 000 patients in residence pain, researchers found that most people get fat because of high working pressure. The report concluded that in order to avoid snacking desires this, we need to control the sugar content in the blood by snacking on high carbohydrate foods Parkia speciosa every two hours to keep levels continue.

12. Benefits of Parkia speciosa to neutralize stomach wound
 Parkia speciosa used as food to keep digestion because of its soft texture and smooth. Parkia speciosa only one raw fruit that can be eaten without causing stress in most chronic problems. The fruit can also neutralize stomach acid and reduce irritation by coating the lining in the stomach.

13. Set the temperature of the body
many cultures see Parkia speciosa as cold fruit that can lower your body temperature and emotion expectant mother her child. The Dutch example, pregnant women can consume Parkia speciosa to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature. while in Indonesia. there is no prohibition to eat during pregnancy to avoid the smell of amniotic fluid.

14. restore disoder seasonal affective (emotional illness chaotic)
  Parkia speciosa can help patients due to contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.

15. The incentive to quit smoking
  Parkia speciosa could encourage people who want to quit smoking. vit. b6 and b12 at birth, along with potassium and magnesium, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

16. Avoid stress
Potassium is an absolute mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulate the body's water balance. when we are stressed, our metabolic rate can increase, to be able to reduce the content of potassium in the body. This subject could be re-balanced with eating a high potassium Parkia speciosa.

17. Drug ageless
possibility caused protein content, Parkia speciosa can regenerate skin, Parkia speciosa Indonesian farmers have been exporting to Japan to be made so in between cosmetic ingredients.

18. reduce tiredness
Because Parkia speciosa contains three types of sugars such as those mentioned above, it also can help overcome fatigue when we're physical activity.

19. eradicate intestinal worms
Perhaps because the sulfur content and tannins in Parkia speciosa, so this fruit is a food that is effective to overcome the problem with worms. Stomach worms such as pinworm will die or leave the stomach.


Monday, 18 May 2015

maja fruit for health

Maja fruit has the scientific name Crescentia cujete, sweetness, fruit maja usually consumed directly, and including the types of drugs that are beneficial fruits specially in the field of health, efficacy is not only the fruit but the leaves, roots and beneficial skin sebaga natural medicine.

The content of maja very much including water, carbohydrates, protein, fat and tannin, tannin content in fruit maja abundant in the skin, reaching 20%. Tannin content contained in this maja fruit that has benefited as a control pesticide plant, tannin contained in the fruit maja only when unripe and will be lost if it is ripe.

diarrhea medicine
Take as much as 4 grams maja fruit and boiled with 110 ml of water to boil and then drink only once a day, For other tips maja fresh fruit directly eat fruits that contain mucus.

Overcome the prickly heat
Prepare maja dried leaves, turmeric and rice to taste, mix all these ingredients together and then mash until until smooth and then let it dry, use a powder on the entire body to experience prickly heat.

Overcoming heart palpitations
Prepare the root bark of fruit trees maja much as 4 grams, wash thoroughly and boil the water volume of 100 ml, after cold filtered water and then grab a drink once a day.

scabies medicine
Take maja ripe fruit, puree and paste the parts of the body have scurvy, apart from consuming maja fruit can also be performed to help treat scabies from within.


health benefits of tomatoes

Tomato is a plant that was first discovered in South America, still allied with eggplant, potatoes, and roasted red peppers or green. Tomatoes including fruit because of its structure, has the meat and beans are safe if swallowed. However, until now there are many people who think of tomatoes as a vegetable, perhaps because one of its functions as a salad vegetable.

here will be written all the benefits of tomatoes ranging from health, skin care, hair, face, and equipped with how to make tomato mask to brighten the skin.

1. Reduce the fat content causes of obesity

To reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in the body, it takes the hard work of the various efforts such as exercise and dietary adjustments.

If you are already a lot of exercise, but the weight would not go down, trying to help with the regular consumption of tomatoes before exercise. Tomatoes do not contain fat, it is high in protein, carbohydrates, and calories. Three nutrients has an important role in weight problems, you can organize them with motion activities such as running, gym, and others.

2. Establish your muscles

There is a food supporting the formation of muscle, and one of them is tomatoes. This is because the tomato as a rich natural source of protein, easily obtained with a simple way of processing as well. So, before and after exercise, it never hurts to eat a slice of tomato fruit in order to increase the chances of successful establishment athletic posture.

3. Prevent Cancer

antioxidants contained in tomatoes, serious illnesses such as cancer of the breast, colon, and lung cancer can be treated effectively by this fruit.

The statement is the conclusion to the study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that there is a relationship between consumption of tomatoes with a reduced risk of cancer. Where from 72 studies, there are 52 studies that claim that consumption of tomatoes with proper and sufficient quantity can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, breast, colon (gastrointestinal), also the cervix.

4. Antidotes free radicals

Medical experts or medical specialists provide confidence in flavonoids and zea-xanthin in counteracting free radicals. Both of these compounds are the most abundant antioxidant in tomatoes.

5. Keeping teeth and bones strong and healthy

Tomatoes are a supplier of calcium that is used to maintain the bone that is not easily chipped, also strengthens the teeth and keep them healthy. At the time of the formation of bone, calcium is needed in order to get perfect results.

6. Controlling cholesterol causes of hypertension (high blood pressure)

The body stores two types of cholesterol, the good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). The amount of good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol should be more than the amount of bad cholesterol, if not then there is hypertension or high blood pressure.

How to treat high blood pressure can be prefixed with an easy effort, such as eating tomatoes regularly. Reason pick tomatoes as food should be consumed is stored in the mineral content in tomatoes helps to regulate the amount of cholesterol circulating in the blood.

7. Healthy eyes

Minus the eye sufferers are often advised to consume tomatoes so that the minus is not increased. You know why?

Tomatoes have been recognized by many as the fruit that can nourish the eye because in it there are a lot of vitamin A content, coupled with a number of other nutrients such as niacin, thiamine, and folic acid. Between one another to work together to heal health problems in the eye.

8. Make work stable heart

There are about 235 mg of potassium in a medium tomato. The content is useful to control the heart rate in pumping blood and keep working stably. Other tomatoes benefits to be gained are awake from heart disease and stroke.

9. Meet the needs of daily vitamin

If you are lazy to take supplements to meet the daily needs of vitamins, eat only tomatoes. Tomatoes will give you 20% of the daily nutritional needs required, on a piece of fruit. According to the USDA, all in tomato nutrients needed by the body's organs to function properly.

10. Controlling blood sugar

Blood sugar should not exceed reasonable limits so as not to increase the risk of diabetes. You can help control blood sugar with regular consumption of tomatoes. Tomatoes became a natural source of chromium that the body needs in order not to experience the amount of blood sugar surge.

11. Treating back pain

Inflammation-related problems such as back pain should be considered serious enough that the problem is not sustainable. If you suffer from it, eat tomatoes regularly while doing the proper treatment.

Tomato support the healing process by transferring bioflavonoids and carotenoids which are known as anti-inflammatory agents. If you are experiencing back pain of chronic nature, usually recovery or relief of pain will last long enough.

12. Shrink and tighten pores

How to make a tomato mask for the face taut:
Blender fresh tomatoes
Mix two tablespoons of tomato juice with a tablespoon of water
Use a cotton swab to wipe the face that had previously been cleared
Massage the entire skin surface evenly for 15 minutes

13. Brighten skin

Your facial skin is dull and has yet to know the secret of beauty to make skin brighter? Use only tomatoes that have vitamin C in large quantities are ready to address the problems that are befalling you.

The trick is not difficult, you prepare one or two slices of fresh tomato, sliced thick enough size. Use each slice to rub the face evenly. Within a week doing routine every day in order to provide maximum results, the skin looks radiant and healthy.

14. Caring for the skin

In addition to the famous olive oil efficacy for treating skin to stay healthy, the oil content in the seeds of tomatoes are also able to take care of your skin in a way against free radicals that can accelerate the aging process. In some beauty clinics, tomato seed oil is often used to treat skin conditions such as eczema damage, psoriasis, dry and damaged.

You can use tomato seed oil to massage the skin sufficiently desired. Perform maintenance at bedtime and do not immediately cleaned during the night as well, but when you've awakened from deep.

15. Eliminate acne

On a number of acne medications in a beauty salon or clinic, the table looks average content requires the help of vitamins A and C. If you want to buy some kind of ointment acne medication, it is better not used because there are tomatoes that give both these nutrients.

In addition to Vitamin A and C, tomatoes also contain a lot of acid that can eliminate acne and skin rash tackle redness. In the small acne condition, you just need to rub a slice of fresh tomato on the face or can also be used as a mask for an hour.

16. Addressing the problems of oily skin

Easy steps to cope with oily skin tomatoes is made of 2 pieces of tomato juice mixed with 4 tablespoons of cucumber juice. Use a mask on the face by means of greasing cotton wear, then let stand until dry and rinse afterwards. If routine implement, the oil on the face will be more controlled and participated shrink pores.

17. Keeping you stay young

One of the secrets of youth the top is a beautiful artist tomatoes. In the spare time you can try to do a series of activities that are skin treatment using tomato as basic materials.

Tomatoes can slow aging by absorbing oxygen to the fullest. You only need to perform maintenance on a regular basis in their spare time, can be morning or evening.

18. Protecting the skin from ultraviolet attack

Direct sunlight can damage the structure of the skin surface. Examples of skin problems caused by too often exposed to sun light exposure is dry, scaly, busik, and dull. If you pick one of them, then you need to know that tomatoes can be used as a natural sunscreen.

The antioxidants found in tomatoes called lycopene that move as a protective skin from UV rays. Before going to the office, you can consume a glass of tomato juice, it helps the protection from the inside. Remember to also branded sunscreen cream suitable for your skin type.

19. Refreshing Eye

Coming home from the office definitely tired and eager eyes made bed. It is better before rushing to rest my eyes, do light massage on the entire surface of your face and two slices of tomato paste to both your eyeballs (covering both eyes).

Tomatoes will relax your eyes are tired because it has been used for a long day of work. If you have eye bags, use a slice of tomato can also help eliminate it.

20. Preventing cell damage

Cell damage will make the skin become problematic, looked reddish and could even arise wrinkles that make you look 10 years older than their actual age. This condition is often referred to as free radicals.

To help prevent cell damage, you can consume at least 16 milligrams of lycopene found in tomatoes every day. After lunch, soft drinks replace you with a more healthful tomato juice.

21. Whiten skin

How to make a tomato cream for skin whitening:
Clean the skin by washing with water.
Mix 1 teaspoon oatmeal, yogurt, and 2 teaspoons of tomato that has been finely ground.
Apply the mixture on the face, neck, and other parts of the body skin is desired.
Let stand for 20 minutes before cleaning.

Treatment with a mixture of three materials will help remove stains that covers the skin, exfoliates dead skin cells and soothe the skin taut.

22. Preventing sunburn

According to Prevention Magazine, people are within three months of eating 5 tablespoons of tomato paste every day will make their skin protected from the sun due to the burning issue. Although the skin is burning, tomato paste could help treat it.

Use a mixture of 2 teaspoons of tomato and 1 teaspoon of yogurt, apply on the surface of the face, neck, hands, and feet evenly after the move. The content of the tomatoes will refresh the skin, while the yogurt makes the skin becomes elastic and soft.

23. Smooth skin

Smooth skin into a valuable asset for everyone, especially women. Besides getting a plus in the eyes of the people around, smooth skin can also be an investment for the future. A lot of models who perform in order to smooth the skin care by using the tomatoes, whether you are interested to try it?

Blender tomatoes and mix with honey to taste up into a thick paste. Apply on the face evenly, provide relaxation massage in a circular motion. Continue to do until the tomatoes are already finely finished, then cleaned using warm water. Do not leave the house after undergoing treatment to prevent dust from sticking to the surface of the face is clean.

24. Coping with hair loss

Although not many fruitless, many people who believe that the use of tomatoes for the hair to reduce hair loss. If you want to make it, try the first examination the doctor if your hair is sensitive or not if given the natural treatments with tomatoes.

25. Natural Conditioner

Many people are not aware that around many plants that can be used for day-to-day, for example, the conditioner of tomatoes. So far, we have only presented with advertisements natural conditioner that is already included in the packaging bottle, do not know whether the properties as well as natural or not.

To compare the quality, you can replace the conditioner with tomatoes for a few days and see the results. With tomato oil will be free from tangled hair and hair loss.

26. Clean the dirt on the hair

Shampooing is not enough to clean the stain attached to the hair shaft. You can use the tomatoes to help remove the dirt on the hair.

How, for tomato juice and apply on hair evenly. Gently rub the hair several times, then let stand 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with clean water and use shampoo to wash it and make sure it is clean tomato juice on the hair.

27. Eliminate odors scalp

The smell of the scalp is very rare, because knowing the trigger factor that is almost never do. But who knows when you're having this kind of problems, here's how to remove the smell of the scalp with tomatoes.

Create tomatoes and filtered water. Pour water on the hair and give scalp massage for a few minutes, after that, allow to dry 30 minutes. If you have, wash your hair with fragrant shampoo as usual.

28. Strengthens hair

Unhealthy hair will be brittle and break easily, so you need something that can strengthen the hair roots. What? Yes, the tomato.

Tomatoes can be the right choice for you who have problems with broken and brittle hair. With tomatoes regularly put on a mask, the hair will be stronger, moist, and free from drought.

29. Eliminate dandruff

Dandruff makes one ashamed to use dark colored clothes, since dark colors can make dandruff that sticks to clothing clearly visible. Besides dandruff also makes a person not confident to go out, let alone gather together friends.

So that you can behave as usual, immediately remove the dandruff. Use the tomatoes are able to drive dandruff and relieve itching due to the white spot. Tomatoes contain high vitamin C is striving to eradicate dandruff and provide collagen to your scalp.

The trick is as follows:
Three slices of fresh tomato mashed.
Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and stir to form a smooth paste.
Rub gently on the scalp, avoid scratching the head with a nail.
Let stand for 30 minutes, the last rinse the hair with water and allow to dry by itself.

30. Radiating hair luster

If healthy and clean hair, hair color will surely look radiant. You can realize that dream simply by using processed tomatoes properly, the following way.

Prepare three pieces of ripe tomatoes, peeled and seeded. Tomatoes that have been processed before you squeeze the water out and wet hair. Give massage until completely absorbed into the scalp, then let stand one hour and wash off when it's time.


orange for health benefits

Like to eat oranges? If so, good news for you! Because at least you can get the health benefits of eating fruit this one.

prevent cancer
Rich citrus limonoids that have been proven to prevent skin cancer, lung, breast, stomach, and colon.

Prevent kidney stones
For the sake of lowering the risk of kidney stone disease, try drinking orange juice every day routine. But do not overdo it, because the sugar is broken when oranges processed into juice capable of making rapid tooth cavities.

lowering cholesterol
Although it contains a lot of water, orange was also rich in fiber which helps the body reduce cholesterol.

Maintain a healthy heart
The content of potassium in citrus fruit plays a role in keeping your heart rate in order to remain balanced. So eating oranges can also prevent cardiac disease arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

ward off disease
Because it is rich in vitamin C, eat oranges may protect cells from free radical attack. So that various diseases capable denied by this fruit.

Against viral infection
Research shows that the levels of polyphenols in citrus fruits able to fight viral infections that invade the body.

overcoming constipation
Fiber in citrus fruits lower cholesterol is not only powerful, but also address the problem of constipation and bowel obstruction.

nourish the eyes
Components of carotenoids in citrus fruits that is converted into vitamin A are carrots. If consumed, eye health will remain intact.

Controlling blood pressure
There flavonoids contained in citrus fruits. Its function is to control blood pressure in order to remain stable.

protects skin
Beta-carotene on citrus fruit is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage. In addition, the compound also protects the skin from signs of aging.

Neutralize the acidity of body
Although lemon is acidic before consumption, it turns out this one fruit has the properties to balance the acidity in the body.

healthy carbs
Just like any other fruit contains sugar, citrus fruits privilege is glycemic index in it which amounted to only 40. This number is low, so that the citrus including healthy source of carbohydrates that will not gain weight or blood sugar levels.

treat arthritis
You have arthritis or stiffness in muscles and joints. Then consume citrus fruit is an alternative that you can take. This is because citrus fruits are proven to reduce inflammation in the joints or stiffness in muscles and joints.

for the development of your brain
This is because citrus fruits contain folic acid which is a substance that is very good to help the development of your brain.

strengthen your immune system
This is because citrus fruits are good sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C functions which stimulate the production of white blood cells in our body. So it is very good and can improve the immune system in our body.

overcome thrush
If you are having problems with canker sores are stubborn and do not heal, it helps you consume oranges.

good for bones
Citrus fruits are very good for bone health, grapefruit also contains calcium, carrying 180 grams of oranges contains 7% of our body's daily requirement of calcium.

helps build muscle
Another substance that can help build muscle is protein, oranges are also high enough so that the protein can help to build muscle mass.

Still related to the effect given to the body of calories, it turns out the calories in oranges also useful in helping human height.

healthy nerves
The content of magnesium in citrus fruits helps us in maintaining nerve health.

soothing scalp
When the hot air, use orange as a mixture of hair tonic. Mix hair tonic with lime benefit and store in the refrigerator until cool. Use it whenever you want coolness to your scalp and feel the greatness of the benefits of refreshing orange scalp.

restore hair's natural luster
Give the lemon juice on each tooth hair, then a little bit of basking in the sun. The longer the hair by lemon juice, it will change the color of the hair becomes more shiny in the sun. But do not do it on dry hair and brittle easy.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Soursop Fruit for Health Benefits

Soursop which has the Latin name Anona muricata Linn is a close relative of sugar apple (Anona squamosa Linn). Plants are now very popular thanks to the properties of the leaf (read: Efficacy Soursop Leaf) and the fruit comes from America (around Peru, Mexico and Argentina). In Indonesia, soursop name comes from the Dutch language, namely Zuurzak which means a bag that tastes sour.

preventing Cancer
Annonaceous acetogenins are phytochemicals contained in the leaves, seeds and stems soursop. This substance plays a role in warding off cancer and virus attacks. The research revealed that the content Annonaceous acetogenins on soursop can kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, such as breast cancer, colon, prostate, lung, and many more.

Smooth urination
Soursop fruit juice it can be used as a medicine if you experience pain when urinating. It also can megatasi haematuria is the mixing of white blood cells in the urine, as well as mild liver disease.

Maintain Bone Health
In addition to containing phosphorus and calcium, soursop fruit also other mineral enriched namely copper, which helps the absorption of calcium into the bones so that your bones remain adequate nutritional requirements.

increase Energy
If you feel passionate about, try to consume soursop fruit. In addition to the fresh aroma that can make your mood back excited, thiamin mengadung soursop fruit also useful to increase your energy.

Relieves Migraine
Soursop fruit contains riboflavin or vitamin B2 are known to effectively relieve headaches such as migraine.

prevent Anemia
The content of iron in the soursop fruit is also believed to effectively relieve the symptoms of anemia that can strike at any time.

Benefits of Soursop fruit seeds
Did you know that not only meat, seed soursop fruit also useful to maintain your health? Soursop seed emesis in fact contain substances that can be used to reduce nausea and vomiting.


Mango Health Benefits For Body

Mango is one of the fruits rich in benefits in the ranks of the fruits are already known by everyone. Therefore, mangoes should be foods that must be consumed to meet your daily nutritional needs. Mangoes contain vitamin C, A, B6, fiber, copper, potassium and magnesium. So, not surprisingly, this fruit plays an important role in the fulfillment of all the nutrients for the body. Health tips this time will be to review the various health benefits of mangoes for the body. Here are the health benefits of mangoes for your body.

1. Antidote Various Types of Cancer. Cancer became one of the biggest killer diseases for mankind. Consuming fruit mango can help the body ward off many types of cancers such as colon, breast and prostate. This is because, mango contains important compounds, namely quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methilgallat.

2. Lowering Bad Cholesterol Levels. Letting bad cholesterol levels in the body increasing necessarily bad for the body. The solution is to provide mango fruit in your diet menu. Fiber content is high enough, pectin and vitamin C in the mango is very effective for lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body.

3. Organ Nourishing Your Eyes. Have better vision and super clear of course the dream of all people including you. The content of vitamin A are quite abundant in the mango is very good for your sense of vision.

4. Protect your digestive organs. Mango is a fruit that is rich in natural fibers. Natural fiber is able to protect and nourish the digestive organs of a person.

5. Boosting Your Body Immune System. Changing seasons and unpredictable weather causes the body prone to various diseases. The content of vitamin C, A, and 25 types of carotenoids make mangoes very effective to enhance the immune system of a person.

6. Perfect Nutrition For Your Skin. This is due to the consumption of this fruit, then any debris that clog the pores of the skin will disappear and helps eliminate skin problems such as acne.

7. The Natural Weight Loss. With the start consuming mangoes are rich in vitamins and nutrients will make the body feel full longer. Thus lowering your excessive appetite.

8. alkali human needs. Compounds present in mango such as tartaric acid, citric acid and malic acid also can withstand alkaline reserve in the human body.

9. Increase the passion and energy of sex. The benefits that one is certainly highly coveted those who have been paired. levels of vitamin E in mango can help increase sex drive! So do not hesitate to consume mangoes every day.

Powerful benefits Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) For Body

Rambutan which also has a scientific name Nephelium Laapaceum, is one of the range of various fruit - fruit that plays a major role to improve the health of your body. Rambutan fruit is easily recognizable from the shape of a small fruit with a bright red color and the presence of fibers that resemble hair meets his skin. In the discussion this time, health tips will review the various benefits rambutan related to the health sector. Health tips, following rambutan tremendous benefits to your body:

1. Boosting Your Body's Energy. For those of you who are easily tired in various work routines, eating rambutan fruit can increase energy quickly. This is because, rambutan contains a number of carbohydrates and proteins required by your body.

2. Maintain Body Of Various Free Radicals. The air we breathe every second also carry harmful substances called free radicals. Rambutan fruit contains vitamin C is beneficial to maintain and protect the body from free radicals.

3. Effective Weight Loss. Rambutan fruit containing a source of fiber and water. Thus filling the body and makes you hungry is not easy in a relatively long time.

4. The Powerful Antidote Anemia. Source of iron in the fruit rambutan could avoid dizziness and fatigue make someone with work activities that are so dense.

5. The Potent Cancer Prevention. Gallic acid contained in fruit rambutan can destroy free radicals in the body that are potentially lead to various cancers.

6. Strengthening the Immune System Body. Copper content in the fruit rambutan huge benefit in the manufacture of white blood cells. These white blood cells that charge against a variety of viruses, germs and bacteria that are harmful to your body.

7. Organ Kidney Yang Better Health. The content of phosphorus in the fruit rambutan significant role in eliminating the waste that is concentrated in your kidneys.

8. Treating diabetes. You do not need to be confused how to treat diabetes, enough to provide five rambutan seeds and fry without oil, then blend it up into powder. then pour in a cup of hot water mix well, then drink.

9. Treat dysentery. If you are experiencing dysentery, alternative healing that you can use is to prepare 10 rambutan skin, then wash and cut into slices boiled with three cups of water until the water remaining half. Strain and drink twice a day.

10. Lowers fever. If your child was sick heat, alternative medicine is that you can use rambutan skin dry. The trick is to wash the skin of rambutan (15 grams) and then boiled with an added 3 cups of water, then drink three times a day.

11. Prevent dull skin. How to keep skin does not look dull and rough is to smooth the rambutan seed, and can be consumed with how mixed into the food that has been served or could you put it. Not only serves as beautify the skin, but also serves as a nutrition hair.

12. Blacken hair that was graying. When your hair graying middle and you do not know how to handle it. Enough with rambutan leaf you have found a solution. The trick to grab some rambutan leaves and mash until smooth. Give extra water to taste, then puree then squeeze and strain by using a small cloth. Do this treatment every day then your hair will look pretty stunning without gray hair on the head.

13. Curing Disease Hypertension

Experiencing hypertension is dangerous. When environmental triggers for relapse of disease hypertension will harm the heart. So that hypertension can be mitigated then eat rambutan. Benefits of rambutan able to relieve hypertension that you suffered. Thus becoming a natural drug that is not associated with the consumption of drugs at high doses.

14. Cure Diarrhea

Diarrhoeal diseases of the digestive condition indicates that you are not healthy. Impaired gastric conditions caused by bacteria that enter the body through food or beverages. By eating the fruit rambutan then both the stomach and intestines as digestive organs will always be protected.

15. Curing Disease Cholesterol

You who have high cholesterol levels, the consumption of fruit rambutan. Rambutan fruit contains flavonoids that can give you a healthy body mainly related to lower the amount of bad cholesterol.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Owned health benefits of guava

Guava is one of the most popular fruit in Indonesia and is very easy to find. Some important content in guava such as minerals and vitamins can nourish your body. Even guava has a high vitamin C content.

Increase the body's immunity

Guava is a fruit that is able to boost your immune system. Because nuts contain a high vitamin C can prevent your body from the attack of various diseases.

Anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory
The content of lycopene in guava useful as an anti-inflammatory and prevents tumor growth.

prevent cancer

Because of guava contain antioxidants and phytonutrients that flavonid, then the fruit is effective for preventing cancer. High-dose vitamin C content in it is also beneficial to neutralize cancer-causing free radicals.

Keeping blood pressure
Guava has amazing benefits to maintain blood pressure. Because guava contains potassium that are useful to protect your body from external influences which could damage the health of blood pressure.

Prevent premature aging
High content of antioxidants in the nut is able to neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative stress causes premature aging.

Good for diabetics

The fiber content in guava serves as a natural remedy for diabetics. In addition medically, the fruit is also proven to prevent sugar spikes.

healthy skin

Guava contains vitamin A, a nutrient essential for improving skin health. The fruit is also beneficial to remove antioxidants that can make your skin look fresh again.

Supports eye health
The content of vitamin A in guava once again able to prevent eye infections and eye diseases.

Improve the digestive system
The content of lycopene in guava is excellent in helping to improve digestive health.

Increase the number of blood
Guava contains vitamin E, K, folate, niasain, manganese, copper, magnesium, and acid panthothenic where everything is beneficial to increase the number of your red blood cells.

Guava contains high Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. In addition, vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of collagen in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the human body, which is necessary to maintain the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Other powerful antioxidant compounds in guava is polivenol and flavonoids like beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. The antioxidant compounds associated with reduced risk of certain cancers, and prevention of the impact of cell damage caused by free radicals.

Helps the thyroid gland

Guava contains mineral copper, which is very good for maintaining the function of the thyroid gland. Disruption of the function of the thyroid gland can cause many serious health problems.

Helps the absorption of nutrients
Guava is rich in mineral called manganese, which is essential to help the body absorb other essential nutrients from food. Adequate intake of nutrients our body is also influenced by the quality of their absorption from the food we eat.


Guava is rich in magnesium, which is also useful as a relaxant. This helps to relax the muscles and nerves of the body. So after we work hard work, guava juice is that you need to relax the muscles and gives a nice energy boost.

Vitamin B3 da B6 useful to help maintain brain function by maintaining good blood flow. Vit B6 or pyridoxine is a compound of good nutrition for nerve, which helps make your nerves relax.

for Hair
It has been said above if Guava is a source of nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium, copper, manganese, fiber, flavonoids and others. Thus also very beneficial for healthy hair, hair growth and overcome the problem of hair loss.


Two handfuls of young guava leaves and seven betel leaves are washed, boiled with a glass of water, strain. Wait a bit cold and then drink. Enough to drink 2 times a day.

Keeping the brain and nerve function
Other benefits of red guava is to keep the brain and nerve function. Because red guava contains vitamins B3 and B6, it is no wonder the fruit is used to stimulate the brain. Vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine is also able to increase blood flow and provide essential nutrients for brain and nerve function.

Black Cumin benefits for health and medicine

Black cumin seed is one of the herbs that have powerful natural healing properties. As the name suggests, black cumin and thin shaped like a crescent. At first herb black cumin comes from Egypt, countries in the Middle East, and are also widely used by the people of India. Black cumin is generally used as a seasoning for various types of cuisine in different parts of the world. It has a slightly bitter taste, which is suitable to replace pepper.

The following properties of black cumin benefits for health and medicine

stomach upset
Healing properties of black cumin have health conditions associated with the stomach. Stomach disorders such as constipation, and flatulence can be overcome with black cumin. In addition, black cumin is also beneficial for maintaining healthy digestion, and can eradicate intestinal worms.

Source of essential nutrients

Black cumin contain beta-carotene (pro - vitamin A), calcium, iron, sodium and potassium. Black cumin also has eight of the nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are not produced by our body, so it must be obtained from outside sources. For the purposes of nutritional supplements, you can drink half a teaspoon of black seed extract or oil (black cumin) three times a day.

Boost the immune system.

Nutritious black cumin can boost immunity, especially for people who suffer from interference immunity. According to research, 1 gram capsules of black cumin is consumed twice daily for four weeks can improve the ratio of T cells, between positive and negative up to 72%. Boost immunity is important to cure the common cold, influenza, AIDS, and other diseases associated with immunity.

Cure asthma and allergies

Histamine is a compound that is released by the immune system as a result of an allergic reaction. Nigellone Crystalline compounds contained in black cumin has protein kinase C, which are substances that are known to inhibit the release of histamine. Giving black cumin can reduce allergic reactions in most patients with bronchitis, asthma and other allergic diseases with no side effects.

For the treatment of asthma and allergies, grab a cup of warm water, add one tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of oil or extract Habatussauda. Mix and drink in the morning, it could before breakfast or after dinner. During this treatment process, avoid cold foods and carry allergens.

Treating cancer

Fatty acids contained in black cumin can inhibit the development of cancer. Black cumin stimulates productivity and immunity capable bone marrow cells, and interferon production, protects normal cells, and against tumor cells without damaging healthy cells.

For cancer treatment, mix one glass of grape juice and half a teaspoon of Black Seed Oil. Drink three times a day. Treatment may be continued for forty days. In addition, you can also rub the black cumin oil on the body with cancer for two weeks.


Black cumin is also effective against bacteria that are known to be resistant to drugs, such as the bacteria that cause cholera, E. coli, and Shigella spp. Thus, black cumin can also be used to treat disorders of the digestive system caused by a bacterial infection such as abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea, and vomiting.

To treat indigestion, take half a teaspoon of black cumin oil or extract is mixed with a cup of milk. Drink the mixture twice a day. Or can be mixed with one teaspoon of ground ginger, and half a teaspoon of black seed oil or extract.

Treating inflammation

Thymoquinine contained in the black cumin is anti-inflammatory medications are very effective. You can use black cumin oil for the ointment be applicable on inflamed acne. To prevent acne and smoothes the skin, take one tablespoon of olive oil mixed with half a teaspoon of black cumin oil. Rub on the face, then wash your face with soap water after one hour.

For the treatment of inflammation of the ankle and other joints, take a tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons of honey and half a teaspoon of black cumin oil. Use this mixture twice a day to massage the inflamed.

Increase the amount of milk

Black cumin can increase the amount of milk for nursing mothers, because of a combination of certain elements and structure of lipid hormones contained therein. In addition, black cumin also contains arginine, which is essential for the growth of the baby. But unfortunately, still not much is known about the safety of using black seeds while breastfeeding.

Improve intelligence and prevent Alzheimer's

Black cumin contains linoleic acid (omega 6) and linolenic acid (Omega 3), so it is a nutrient for good brain cells to improve memory, intelligence, and relativity of brain cells that do not go senile. Black cumin also improve the micro (blood circulation) to the brain, and is suitable to be given to children aged growth of the elderly.

neutralize toxins

Toxins that interfere with the body's vital organs such as the liver and lungs can result in organ performance. Saponins found in black cumin, cleanse toxins in the body. Respiratory disorders or symptoms of diarrhea caused by toxins can be reduced.

overcome diabetes
Two grams of black cumin day can reduce glucose produced by the body, decrease insulin resistance, improved beta-cell function, and reduce glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human subjects).

lowers high blood pressure

Consumption of 100-200 mg extract of black cumin seeds for twice daily for two months may lower blood pressure in patients with mild hypertension.


Black cumin seeds are traditionally known to have anticonvulsive properties. A study conducted in 2007 with the subject of children who have epilepsy, whose condition is refractory to conventional drug therapy, resulted in a very surprising discovery that the water extract of black cumin it can reduce seizure activity.

Benefits Cardamom For Health

Cardamom is a spice that is very beneficial for health and beauty. Any nutrients contained Cardamom? Cardamom contains +/- 300 calories per 100 grams. Other content cardamom is fiber, carbohydrates, essential oils, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, vitamin C, and magnesium.

1. Streamlining Digestive and Maintaining Healthy Stomach

Consuming Cardamom may increase saliva production. This means, digestion of food takes place smoothly. Similarly, the fiber contained by cardamom able to prevent constipation. Fibers contained by the Cardamom is good for the intestines.

Essential oils are dkandung by Cardamom can prevent the occurrence of gas in the stomach. So, cardamom can prevent Flatulence. Ulcers are commonly called ulcers can be treated by cineol, a type of oil contained in the Cardamom. It is also caused by substances in the cardamom that are anti-bacterial.

2. Improve blood circulation

Cardamom helps to improve blood circulation. This spice also has the ability to lower blood pressure and prevent blood clotting. It is associated with fiber and potassium were conceived by him. Normal blood pressure due to sodium in the body neutral.

3. Preventing Gastric acidity

For those patients with ulcer, Cardamom is good for you. This is related to the role of Cardamom in helping the Gall.

4. Prevent Osteoporosis

To maintain bone health, there are two indispensable substances, namely vitamin C and manganese. Especially for women in the postmenopausal period.

5. Eliminate Pain

Cardamom is an analgesic, relieve muscle pain, pain, and seizures. Cardamom is also anti-inflammatory so it can be used to treat inflammation of the gums.

6. Maintain Healthy kidneys

The study found that the Cardamom is a diuretic and a role in kidney health. Cardamom is also effective in treating urinary tract diseases, such as cystitis and nephritis.

7. Improve Immune System

By consuming cardamom can improve immunity. It is good to fight against bacteria and other pathogens.

8. Eliminate Depression

Cardamom can be used as aromatherapy, reduce nervous tension, depression. Pour a glass of cardamom when depressed mood improved.

9. Maintain Heart Health

Cardamom has the ability to accelerate blood circulation. So, healthy for your heart.

10. Help Fight Flu and Cough

Cardamom can also help overcome the flu, coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. Cardamom can provide a calming effect and warm and help thin the sputum so as to reduce the blockage in the nose and throat.

11. Maintaining Oral Health and Dental

Cardamom chewing can cause mouth fragrant. Dental pain can also be prevented by cardamom. Anti-bacterial in cardamom prevent infection.

12. Prevent Cancer

Cardamom also be an anti-carcinogen which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. Phytochemical content on Cardamom such as DIM (diindolilmetan) and IC3 (indole-3-carbinol) are very effective in preventing prostate cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

13. Maintain Skin Beauty and Health Hair

Nutrients in the form of vitamin cardamom, essential oils, and antioxidants can prevent damage caused by free radicals. Nutrition is also inhibits the formation of wrinkles, also great as youthful drug.

If you want the skin glowing and supple, vitamin C in cardamom effective for your skin health. Pimples and black spots can be prevented by consuming cardamom. This is because the cardamom is anti-inflammatory. Being anti-bacterial properties of cardamom effective in maintaining healthy skin from allergies.

Cardamom provide nutrients needed by the scalp, keeping the moisture of the scalp. Cardamom apply on the hair makes the hair roots become strong, clean from dandruff, hair shiny.

14. The natural diet using cardamom

Use Cardamom to lose body fat. Fiber in cardamom facilitate the digestive process, maintain satiety.

15. Treat itching in throat

Cardamom is very effective for people with asthma and whooping cough. Cardamom also contains spasmodic which can prevent seizures. You can make use of natural herbs cardamom to treat itching in the throat, and cough. Simply by mixing it with natural honey.

16. Removing toxins in the body

Caffeine in coffee is one of the toxic to the body. With Cardamom, toxins in the body can be removed.

17. Relieve body heat due to the sun

Weak and tired as a result of exposure to sunlight can be overcome by eating fruit Cardamom. This is often done by the nation of India.

18. Relieve Headaches

Sandalwood and cardamom are often used by the Indians in the form of pasta. Add cardamom into the drink tea or milk, can relieve headaches.

19. Improve the quality Voice

Often consume cardamom can cause voice quality remains excellent and rising. So, to maintain the quality of your voice, use cardamom.

20. Boost Stamina in the Night
The aphrodisiac properties of cardamom able to treat the disease of impotence and premature ejaculation.
