Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Parkia speciosa benefits for health

For some people pete (Peuteuy) might be one of the food stay away, do not know because of the smell or taste. but who would have thought pete (Peuteuy) that many fans have had tremendous benefits. Peuteuy in Latin language mlanding (Parkia speciosa) is a tree of a tropical annual leguminous pods rate (fabaceaee), banana-petaian (mimosoidae). pete (Peuteuy) commencing plant nuts.

Parkia speciosa fruit benefits for health:

1. avoid depression
according to a survey that was done mind, among patients with depressed patients, so more and more people are better after eating Parkia speciosa. This subject took place due to Parkia speciosa contains tryptophhan, a protein that in exchange for the body so serotonin, which makes consuming relax, make improvements in mood.

2. Pms (pre menstrual syndrome)
when a natural or bad mood pms menstrual period, quite handle with eating Parkia speciosa. vit. b6 which in bladder Parkia speciosa regulate blood sugar content which could help the mood.

3. Avoiding anemia
with a high iron content, Parkia speciosa can stimulate red blood cell production and help if it lasts anemia.

4. Fight High Blood Pressure
tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium, yet low in salt until very excellent combat blood pressure. so high, until fda american speciosa Parkia plantation permit to do the official claims about the power of this fruit while lowering blood pressure and stroke effect.

5. Encourage brain power
200 students of English at Twickenham (Middlesex), English, helped in the school exam regarding eating Parkia speciosa at breakfast, break and lunch. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist studies help students more alert.

6. Benefits of Parkia speciosa to guard the digestive tract
seat content (dietary fibers) high Parkia speciosa make very good for the digestive tract. Parkia speciosa used as food to keep the digestion due to its structure which is soft and smooth. This fruit also can neutralize stomach acid and reduce irritation by coating the lining in the stomach.

7. Hangovers
in between a very fast way to treat motion sickness is Parkia speciosa milkshake, sweetened with honey. Parkia speciosa can help soothe the stomach and with the help of the honey can increase blood sugar falls, but can milk soothes and re-do the repair fluid content in the body.

8. Reduce satiety
  Parkia speciosa have a natural antacid effect in the body, to feel the heat when the chest is caused mostly eating, try eating Parkia speciosa to reduce the pain.

9. Avoid morning sickness
Parkia speciosa eat between meals can help keep sugar content and avoid vomiting.

10. Handle itchy mosquito bites
before reaching the current mosquito bite cream, try rubbing the affected place with a bite in the section Parkia speciosa skin. many people successfully overcome the itching and swelling in this way.

11. Benefits of Parkia speciosa to avoid obesity
Research at the institute of psychology, austria get that pressure on working time more people are reaching on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. with sample 5. 000 patients in residence pain, researchers found that most people get fat because of high working pressure. The report concluded that in order to avoid snacking desires this, we need to control the sugar content in the blood by snacking on high carbohydrate foods Parkia speciosa every two hours to keep levels continue.

12. Benefits of Parkia speciosa to neutralize stomach wound
 Parkia speciosa used as food to keep digestion because of its soft texture and smooth. Parkia speciosa only one raw fruit that can be eaten without causing stress in most chronic problems. The fruit can also neutralize stomach acid and reduce irritation by coating the lining in the stomach.

13. Set the temperature of the body
many cultures see Parkia speciosa as cold fruit that can lower your body temperature and emotion expectant mother her child. The Dutch example, pregnant women can consume Parkia speciosa to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature. while in Indonesia. there is no prohibition to eat during pregnancy to avoid the smell of amniotic fluid.

14. restore disoder seasonal affective (emotional illness chaotic)
  Parkia speciosa can help patients due to contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.

15. The incentive to quit smoking
  Parkia speciosa could encourage people who want to quit smoking. vit. b6 and b12 at birth, along with potassium and magnesium, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

16. Avoid stress
Potassium is an absolute mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulate the body's water balance. when we are stressed, our metabolic rate can increase, to be able to reduce the content of potassium in the body. This subject could be re-balanced with eating a high potassium Parkia speciosa.

17. Drug ageless
possibility caused protein content, Parkia speciosa can regenerate skin, Parkia speciosa Indonesian farmers have been exporting to Japan to be made so in between cosmetic ingredients.

18. reduce tiredness
Because Parkia speciosa contains three types of sugars such as those mentioned above, it also can help overcome fatigue when we're physical activity.

19. eradicate intestinal worms
Perhaps because the sulfur content and tannins in Parkia speciosa, so this fruit is a food that is effective to overcome the problem with worms. Stomach worms such as pinworm will die or leave the stomach.

source: https://www.facebook.com/SehatDgnHerbal/

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